The family is the center of most traditional Asians’ lives. Many people worry about their families welfare, reputation, and honor. Asian families are often (1) , including several generations related by (2) or marriage living in the same home. An Asian person’s misdeeds are not blamed just on the individual but also on the family—including the dead (3) .
Traditional Chinese, among many other Asians, respect their elders and feel a deep sense of duty (4) them. Children repay their parents’ (5) by being successful and supporting them in old age. This is accepted as a (6) part of life in China. (7) , taking care of the aged parents is often viewed as a tremendous (8) in the United States, where aging and family support are not (9) highly. (10) , in the youth-oriented United States, growing old is seen as a bad thing, and many old people do not receive respect.
A. living
B. lively
C. alive
D. life
{{B}}A Pay Rise or Not {{/B}} "Unless I get a rise, I’ll have a talk with the boss, Henry Manley," George Strong said to himself. George liked his job and he liked the town he lived in, but his wife kept telling him that his pay was not enough to meet the needs of the family. That was why he was thinking of taking a job in Birmingham, a nearby city about 50 miles away. He had been offered a job in a factory there, and the pay was far better. George lived in Wyeford, a medium-sized town. He really liked the place and didn’t like the idea of moving somewhere else, but if he took the job in Birmingham, he would have to move his family there. Henry Manley was the manager of a small company manufacturing electric motors. The company was in deep troubl [多项选择]银行本票丧失,不具备出具享有票据权利证明的机关有()。
A. 检察院 B. 人民法院 C. 公安机关 D. 申请人证明 [判断题]钢丝绳应按其力学性能选用,并应配备一定的安全系数。缆风绳及拖拉绳安全系数应不小于3.5。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]设一个栈的输入序列为A,B,C,D,则借助一个栈所得到的输出序列不可能是______。
A. A,B,C,D B. D,C,B,A C. A,C,D,B D. D,A,B,C [判断题]GB的含义是国家标准。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 商业银行中间业务的特点是:( )
A.表外性 B.多样性 C.高收益性 D.风险差异性 [多项选择]下列现象中,可能是笔记本硬盘故障引起的有()
A. 蓝屏 B. 启动系统卡死 C. 系统不加电 D. 不识别硬盘 [简答题]对不合作的病人如何进行精神状况检查?
[填空题]People can write it on the envelope when send a letter.
A.安全色(黄色)、对比色(黑色)的相间条纹 B.安全色(绿色)、对比色(白色)的相间条纹 C.安全色(蓝色)、对比色(白色)的相间条纹 D.安全色(红色)、对比色(白色)的相间条纹 [判断题]因为低压量程的内阻低,所以不宜用低压量程测高阻电路的电压。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( ) 冲击钻的特点是功率较小,携带方便。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]对厚壁的马氏体钢焊接时,对焊后冷却要求的描述,不正确的是 ()。
A.需要将焊件冷却到80~120~C的范围,并保温一定的时间 B.需要将焊件冷却到150~200~C的范围,并保温一定的时间 C.需要将焊件冷却到室温,并保温一定的时间 D.需要缓慢冷却到室温 [单选题]关于ALPHA FLOOR启动说法错误的是
A.通过自动推力启动 B.飞机只要在空中就可能启动 C.迎角和机头偏转大于一定的量时启动 [判断题]【配电安规】用绝缘分流线或旁路电缆短接设备时,短接前应核对相位,载流设备应处于断开状态。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]道具讲授的方式会增加学习印象,比单纯的理论讲授效果要好。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]述公民在宪法关系中的地位。
[多选题]抗洪抢险必须强化统一指挥,按照()、()的原则,选择救援人员、装备器材的集结地点。以作战力量编成为编组,集体作业,不得擅自行动。( )
A.便于观察 B.比较安全 C.循序渐进 D.便于救援 [单项选择]当某工程网络计划的计算工期等于计划工期时,该网络计划中的关键工作是指( )的工作。
A. 时标网络计划中没有波形线 B. 与紧后工作之间时间间隔为零 C. 开始节点与完成节点均为关键节点 D. 最早完成时间等于最迟完成时间 [单选题]与慢性胃炎和消化道溃疡有关的细菌是 ( )
A.空肠弯曲菌 B.幽门螺杆菌 C.鼠伤寒沙门菌 D.副溶血唬埴 [单项选择]关于因果分析图的说法,正确的是()。
A. 一张因果分析图可以分析多个质量问题 B. 通常采用QC小组活动的方式进行 C. 具有直观、主次分明的特点 D. 可以了解质量数据的分别特征 [多项选择]根据《环境影响评价技术导则-总纲》,工程分析时需要做哪些平衡。()
A. 物料平衡 B. 燃料平衡 C. 水平衡 D. 特征污染物平衡 E. 土石方平衡 [单选题]手足口病皮疹特点,哪项是错误的
A.轻症患者不出皮疹 B.肛周可出现皮疹 C.皮疹不痛、不痒 D.皮疹泡液较少 E.可以仅在手或足部出疹 我来回答: 提交