2006年末我国广义货币供应量余额为34.6万亿元,狭义货币供应量余额为12.6万亿元,流通中现金余额为2.7万亿元,据此计算,年末居民及企事业单位活期存款余额为()。 Imagine fishermen walking down to the
seashore, ready to carry out their early morning routine of preparing their
boats and net. (71) they hope for a good catch of fish. But
to their (72) , a horrible sight meets their still sleepy
eyes. Thousands of fish have washed (73) dead. The cause of
this mass destruction A red tide! Red tides are a global (74) . They have been observed on both the Atlantic and the Pacific coasts of the United States and Canada. They have also (75) in many other places. Though relatively few people are (76) them, red tides are not new. In the Philippines, a red tide was first seen in the province of Bataan in 1908. Since then, red tides have been seen in many other (77) . A Philippines red tide expert told us that" (78) the fish kills, the Philippines has A. question B. crisis C. phenomenon D. situation [判断题]作业层班组如需使用船舶,应遵循水运管理部门或海事管理机构有关规定。作业层班组使用的船舶应安全可靠,船舶上应配备救生设备,并签订安全协议。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]处置电梯事故时,设立警戒区,控制电梯间前室,禁止无关人员进入现场。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高度在5~15m,称为二级高处作业。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]下列除哪项外,均为喘证的病因()
A. 外邪侵袭 B. 饮食不当 C. 情志所伤 D. 痰热素盛 E. 劳欲久病 [单项选择]下列关于价值权数的说法中不正确的是()。
A. 采用账面价值权数计算的加权平均资本成本,不适合评价现时的资本结构 B. 采用市场价值权数计算的加权平均资本成本,能够反映现时的资本成本水平 C. 目标价值权数是用未来的市场价值确定的 D. 计算边际资本成本时应使用目标价值权数 [单项选择]调车作业要准确掌握速度,调动超限货物的车辆时,不准超过()。
A. 10km/h B. 15km/h C. 20km/h D. 25km/h [单项选择]单向扩散试验()
A. 是定性实验、不能定量 B. 是定量实验、不能定性 C. 可通过标准曲线求出待测样本含量 D. 沉淀环大小可直接反映待测样本含量 E. 不会出现假阳性 [单项选择]债权人转让权利后,债务人的抗辩可以向()主张。
A. 债权人 B. 债务人 C. 让与人 D. 受让人 我来回答: 提交