In the evenings, they go to the mall.
Once a week or more. Sometimes, they even leave the dinner dishes in the sink so
they will have enough time to finish all the errands. The father never comes—he
hates shopping, especially with his wife. Instead, he stays at home to read the
paper and put around his study. To do things that the other dads must be doing
in the evenings. To summon the sand to come rushing in and plug up his ears with
its roaring silence. Meanwhile, the mother arms herself with returns from the last trip. Her two young daughters forget games of flashlight tag or favorite TV shows and strap on tennis shoes and seatbelts: and they’re off. On summer nights, when it’s light until after the fireflies arrive, the air is heavy and moist. The daughters unroll their windows and stick the wh A. moves. B. squirts. C. wriggles. D. digests. [单选题]下列有关社会主义法律与社会主义道德的表述,不正确的是( )。
A.二者都是社会主义经济基础的产物 B.二者都是由国家强制力保证实施的 C.二者都是调整人们相互关系的行为规范 D.二者都是广大人民群众意志和利益的体现 [判断题]照明变压器可提供安全电压。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]重要客户供电电源和自备电源配置应满足《关于加强重要电力用户供电电源及自备应急电源配置监督管理的意见》要求。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列哪种情况下用人单位可以招用未满16周岁的未成年人,并须报县级以上的劳动行政部门批准?()
A. 某私人餐馆招用勤杂工 B. 某国有企业招用电工 C. 某职工介绍招用职员国《劳动法》规定,国国《劳动法》规定,国 D. 某俱乐部招用体操运动员 [单选题]电气化区段,更换带有吸上线的钢轨,必须先通知( )部门采取安全措施后,放准作业。
A.电务 B.供电 C.供电和电务 D.供电和房屋 [简答题]解放战争初期,人民解放军的主要作战方法是什么?
A. 500ml B. 800ml C. 1000ml D. 1500ml E. 2000ml [单项选择]胚胎甲状舌管咽端遗迹为()。
A. 舌盲孔 B. 舌背 C. 舌根 D. 甲状腺峡部 E. 舌体 [单项选择]人体经脉系统主要为十四经脉,即手三阴经、手三阳经、足三阴经、足三阳经等十二经脉,再加上()。
A. 冲脉、任脉 B. 带脉、督脉 C. 任脉、督脉 D. 任脉、带脉 [单项选择]New research from Australia supports the belief that many pet owners have—it shows that pets are good for your health. The
of this new study suggest that people who have pets are
less risk from heart disease than
who do not.
Ironically this
study on pets was intended to
the myth that pets are good for your health. Earlier research
the benefits of owning pets received a lot of
, but the results were not good enough to
the more skeptical doctors. The new research was carried
over three years and examined 6000 people, the largest group yet involved in
a study. They took tests that measured a
of different factors known to be
in heart disease—
and blood levels of cholesterol (胆固醇) and triglyceride (甘油三酸酯).
, people were asked about their lifestyles.
The 800 people who owned pets had
levels on each of the factors
than those who did not own pets. The differences were even greater than those found in similar studies on people who
to vegetarian diets or took
exercise. The study also showed that it did not matter
kind of pet was owned—a cat was as good as a dog—so the benefits could not be attributed
the exercise involved in walking a dog.
A. findings B. conclusions C. indications D. signs [单项选择]功能性电刺激的适应证是()
A. 下运动神经元病损后所致肌肉萎缩 B. 癔病性瘫痪 C. 脑卒中,脑外伤,脊髓损伤所致肢体瘫痪 D. 痉挛性瘫痪 E. 帕金森病 [单项选择] {{B}}Passage One{{/B}}