最有可能的治疗是() Dalton wondered why the heavier and
lighter gases in the atmosphere did not separate as oil and water do. He finally
concluded that the constituent (61) must exist in the form of
tiny particles or atoms and that these (62) be completely
mixed together in the atmosphere. This threw a new light in (63)
law of definite proportions. It was only necessary to suppose that the atoms
(64) combine into small groups of uniform (65)
and so form more complex substance; (66) the
mystery of this law was (67) . Dalton suggested, for
example, that carbon monoxide (68) formed by the one with
one (69) of atoms of carbon and oxygen, (70)
carbon dioxide results from a single (71) of
carbon uniting with two atoms of oxygen. Assuming this to be true,
(72) the definite p A. solved B. discovered C. broke D. told [单选题]张三因吸毒被A市公安局B区分局行政拘留15日,张三认为处罚过重而向A市公安局申请行政复议。A市公安局经复议后将张三的拘留期限更改为10日。张三仍不服提起行政诉讼。据此,以下为适格被告的是()。
A.A市公安局 B.B区公安分局 C.A市公安局和B区公安分局 D.A市公安局或B区公安分局 [单项选择]
A. 10%~20% B. 20%~30% C. 30%~40% D. 40%~50% E. 50~60% [多项选择]以下关于丘疹的描述正确的是()
A. 隆起于皮面 B. 不累及真皮 C. 表面可粗糙或光滑 D. 可扩大或融合形成斑块 [多选题]在高处、临边敷设电缆时,应有防坠落措施。不应攀登()。
A.组合式电缆架 B.吊架 C.爬梯 D.电缆 E./ F./ [单选题]柴油机的连杆所使用的材料一般有( )。 (263514:第02-02章 柴油机主要部件及检修)
A.优质碳钢 B.合金钢 C.灰铸铁 D.A+B [多选题]特殊情况需调整轨面标准线时,由( )部门共同确认,并经铁路局批准。供电段负责轨面标准线的日常管理,保持其清晰醒目。
A.供电 B.电务 C.工务 D.客运 [单项选择]下列各项,不属于五皮散组成药物的是()
A. 大腹皮 B. 茯苓皮 C. 陈橘皮 D. 牡丹皮 E. 生姜皮 [简答题]连接红海和亚丁湾的是哪一个海峡?
A. 病毒 B. 厌氧菌 C. 革兰阳性球菌 D. 真菌 E. 革兰阴性杆菌 [填空题]CRH5型动车组主控手柄输出错误( ),会造成制动时主手柄第一扇区无制动力,第二扇区末端时动轴制动力小于 3.4bar ,紧急制动力正常。
[单项选择]由与测验目的无关的因素及偶然因素引起的,而又不易控制的误差是( )。
A. 抽样误差 B. 随机误差 C. 评分误差 D. 系统误差 [多选题]以下关于电气工具和用具的使用,正确的做法是()。
A.使用前应检查电线是否完好,有无接地线 B.不合格的电气工具和用具禁止使用 C.使用时应按有关规定接好剩余电流动作保护器(漏电保护器)和接地线 D.每8个月应由电气试验单位进行定期检查 [单项选择]
Ironically, in the United States, a country of immigrants, prejudice and discrimination continue to be serious problems. There was often (1) between each established group of (2) and each succeeding group. As each group became (3) financially successful, and more powerful, they (4) newcomers from full participation in the society. Prejudice and discrimination are (5) U.S. history, (6) , this prejudicial treatment of different groups is (7) more unjust than with black Americans. [简答题]第一题:日常监管(10分)
法治 ( ) 合法监禁 [判断题]热电偶测量温度时的热电势与热电极长度无关,与热电极材质和冷热两端温度有关
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]SQ118型水质分析仪反应时间为( )s。
A..2 B.3 C.4 D.5 我来回答: 提交