In most cultures, when you meet acquaintances for the first time during a day, it is normal to greet them. The main purpose of this greeting is to (1) a good relationship between the people (2) and each language usually has (3) set phrases which can be used for this purpose. Sometimes, though, there can be (4) differences in the type of phrases which can be used, and cultural misunderstandings can easily (5) . The following is a true example.
A young British woman went to Hong Kong to work, and at the time of her (6) she knew nothing about the Chinese culture of language. (7) her way to school one day, she went to the bank to get some money. (8) , the bank clerk asked her if she had had her lunch. She was extremely surprised (9) such a question because in the British culture it would be (10) an indirect invitation to lunch. Between unmarried young people it can also (11) the young man’s interest in dating the girl. (12) this bank clerk was a complete stranger (13) t
A. released
B. relieved
C. realized
D. regretted
When we want to (56)
other people what we think, we can do it not only with the help of
words, but also in many (57) ways. For example, we sometimes
move our heads (58) when we want to say "yes", and we move
our heads (59) when we want to say "no" . People who can (60) hear (60) speak talk to each other with the help of their fingers. People who do not understand each other’ s language have to do the same. The following story shows (61) they sometimes do it. (62) English man who could not speak Italian was (63) travelling in Italy. One day he entered a restaurant and sat (64) a table. When the waiter came, the Englishman opened his mouth, (65) his fingers into it, (66) them out again and moved his lip. In this way he meant to say," (67) me someth A. stood B. sat C. put D. placed [单选题]ISP的中文名称为______。
A.Internet软件提供者 B.Internet应用提供者 C.Internet服务提供者 D.Internet访问提供者 [判断题]防火墙的构造应使防火墙任意一侧的屋架、梁、楼板等受到火灾的影响而破坏时,不致使防火墙倒塌。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]各汽车队(班组)应当( )开展一次车辆安全专项检查,并做好记录。
A.每日 B.每周 C.每月 D.三个月 [单选题]现场安全措施是降低( )的有效措施,任何单位或个人不得擅自变更。
A.作业风险 B.电网风险 C.设备风险 D.系统风险 [多选题]初培、复审
A.工会对生产经营单位违反安全生产法律、法规,侵犯从业人员合法权益的行为,有权要求纠正;发现生产经营单位( )时,有权提出解决的建议,生产经营单位应当及时研究答复;发现危及从业人员生命安全的情况时,有权向生产经营单位建议组织从业人员撤离危险场所,生产经营单位必须立即作出处理。 B.违章指挥 C.违章作业 D.强令冒险作业 E.或者发现事故隐患 [多项选择]下列属于城市抗震防灾的部门规章是 ( )
A. 《防震减灾法》 B. 《城市抗震防灾规划管理规定》 C. 《市政公用设施抗灾设防管理规定》 D. 《城市抗震防灾规划标准》 E. 《城市地下空间开发利用管理规定》 [判断题]动车组无停放制动装置或在坡度为20‰以上的区间无动力停留时,由车站进行防溜,防溜时使用铁鞋牢靠固定。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]各级单位( )部门是本单位福利保障工作的归口管理部门。
A. 财务 B. 人力资源 C. 审计 D. 监察 [多选题]各行转贴现管理部门负责对票据转贴现经营机构内部控制建设、执行的管理与指导,票据转贴现经营机构负责内部控制的落实与实施。在业务经营过程中,对以下人员采取岗位分离制度( )。
A.票据初审与票据复审 B.具体经办与业务审批 C.市场营销与会计业务处理 D.其它有必要实行责任分离的岗位 我来回答: 提交