Questions 17 to 20 are based on a lecture about four categories of music. You now have 20 seconds to read Questions 17 to 20.
Music is often divided into several categories or groups. Some of the categories are: classical music, traditional music, rock music, and jazz music.
The first kind, classical music, refers to orchestra music that originated in Europe a few hundred years ago. Most of the original classical music was composed, or written, in Italy, Germany, Austria, or Russia. Beethoven and Bach were two famous composers of classical music. Classical music is usually played by a variety of string instruments, such as the violin, and by a variety of wind instruments, such as the flute.
The second type of music is traditional music. Traditional music is music that comes from a particular culture. Every culture has its own special forms of traditional music. For example, "blues" music is one kind of traditional music in the United States and &
A. It is very inspiring and exciting.
B. It doesn’t need wind instruments.
C. It is a combination of folk music and rock music.
D. It has a different kind of rhythm.
The nobler and more perfect a thing is, the later and slower it is becoming mature. A man reaches the mature (1) of his reasoning powers and mental faculties (2) before the age of twenty-eight; a woman at eighteen. And then, too, in the case of woman, it is the only reason of a sort--very mean in its (3) . That is why women remain children their whole life long; never seeing (4) but what is quite close to them, (5) fast to the present moment, taking appearance for (6) , and preferring (7) to matters of the first importance. For it is (8) his reasoning faculty that man does not live in the present only, (9) the brute, but looks about him and considers the past anti the future; and this is the origin of (10) , as well as that of care and anxiety which so many people (11) . Both the advantages and the disadvantages, which this (12) , are (13) in by the woman to a smaller extent because of her
A. shared
B. joined
C. bound
D. hurried
Patients tend to feel indignant and insulted if the physician tells them he can find no organic cause for the pain. They tend to interpret the term "psychogenic" to mean that they are complaining of nonexistent symptoms. They need to be educated about the fact that many forms of pain have no underlying physical cause but are the result, as mentioned earlier, of tension, stress, or hostile factors in the general environment. Sometimes a pain may be a manifestation of "conversion hysteria".
Obviously, it is folly for an individual to ignore symptoms that could be a warning of a potentially serious illness. Some people are so terrified of getting news from a doctor that they allow their malaise to worsen, sometimes past the point of no return. Total neglect is not the answer to hypochondria. The only answer has to be increased education about the way the human body works; so that more people will be able to steer an intelligent course between promiscuous
A. they are horrified to get the bad news
B. they think no medicine is effective
C. they think the pain will disappear as soon as you forget it
D. they are too busy.
TIC/nx | TIM/ms | |
X | 40 | 1 |
Y | 100 | 0.9 |
Z | 12
A. X、Y、Z B. X、Z、Y C. Y、X、Z D. Y、Z、X E. Z、X、Y F. Z、Y、X [单选题]在基金管理公司的各项内部控制制度中,以下应明确内控目标、内控原则、控制环境及内控措施等内容的是()。
A.部门业务规章 B.业务操作手册 C.基本管理制度 D.内部控制大纲 [单选题]企业安全生产制度规定,管生产必须管( )。
A. 安全 B. 经营 C. 效益 D. 生活 [判断题]精益化管理评价范围包括变电设备评价和变电运维管理评价。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]弓网棚巡检作业,施工作业令上的安全防护措施有哪些?
A. 水的复氧过程 B. 水中氧的溶解过程 C. 水中微生物对氧的消耗过程 D. 水中微生物对有机物的厌氧分解过程 E. 水生植物通过光合作用对水的补氧过程 [多选题]燃烧按其形成的条件和瞬间发生的特点,一般分为()等类型。
A.闪燃 B.着火 C.自燃 D.爆炸 [单项选择]最早把大陆架作为法律概念提出的是()。
A. 《大陆架公约》 B. 马耳他外长帕多 C. 美国总统杜鲁门 D. 《海洋法公约》 我来回答: 提交