Passage Four
Mr. Phanourakis was 80 years old when he left his Greek mountain village and took. a foreign ship for America. His sons had done well in the restaurant business there and wanted him to spend his remaining years with them.
Mr. Phanourakis knew no language except his own but, with the self-confidence of a mountain villager, he made his way easily about the ship. When the bell announced the serving of lunch on his first day on board he found the number of his table from the list outside the dining-room and went straight to his table while many of the other passengers crowded helplessly round the chief steward waiting to be told where their tables were.
It was a small table for two. Mr. Phanourakis sat down. After a few minutes his table--companion arrived. "Bon appetit, m’sieur," he murmured politely, as he took the other chair.
Mr. Phanourakis looked at him quickly and then smiled. "Phanourakis," he said,
A. the old man's name
B. where the old man was from
C. where the old man was going
D. none of the above
A smile is a strong sign of a friendly
and open attitude and a willingness to communicate. It is a positive, silent
sign sent with the hope the other person will smile back. When you smile, you
show you have noticed the person in a positive way. The result That person will
usually smile back. You might not realize a closed position is the cause of many conversational problems. A common closed position is sitting with your arms and legs crossed and your hand covering your mouth or chin. This is often called the "thinking pose". Ask yourself this question: Are you going to interrupt someone who appears to be deep in thought This position gives off "stay away" signs and prevents your main "sign sender" (your mouth) from being seen by others looking for inviting conversational signs. The open body position is most effecti A. leaning forward a little while a person is talking B. crossing your arms C. looking in others’ eyes D. extending your hand in greeting [多项选择]机械伤害的类型有( )。
A. 物体打击 B. 机械伤害 C. 触电 D. 火药爆炸 E. 中毒和窒息 [判断题]列车运行,原则上以开往北京方向为上行,反之为下行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]SD01CG001048在—恒压的电路中,电阻R增大,电流随之( )。
A.减小 B. 增大 C.不变 D.不一定 [单选题]维修天窗应根据维修作业需要合理安排。维修天窗原则上应安排在昼间,并满足作业轨温条 件。维修天窗在时间安排上应与施工天窗重叠套用,原则上每月每区间不应少于()次(双线为单方向)。
A.10 B.15 C.20 D.25 [判断题]并发连接数——指穿越防火墙的主机之间或主机与防火墙之间能同时建立的最大连接数。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]建筑热环境设计目标的目标是什么?
[单选题]金属导体电阻的大小与导体长度成( ),与横截面积成( )。(中)
A.反比 反比 B.反比 正比 C.正比 正比 D.正比 反比 [多选题]下面说法不正确的是
A.装、拆接地线,应口头说明,交接班时应交待清楚。 B.禁止作业人员擅自变更工作票中指定的接地线位置。 C.若需变更接地线位置时,应由工作负责人征得全部工作票签发人或工作许可人同意,并在工作票上注明变更情况。 D.若需变更接地线位置时,应由工作负责人征得全部工作票签发人或工作许可人同意,可不在工作票上注明变更情况。 [多选题]榜样示范法的形式主要是( )。
A.伟人的典范 B.教育者的示范 C.同龄人中的优秀学生的示范 D.动画片中的英雄人物 [单选题]为了达到消毒目的,利用日光曝晒法消毒需要
A.2小时 B.4小时 C.6小时 D.8小时 E.10小时 [单项选择]一女子神志恍惚,心悸易惊,善悲欲哭,肢体困乏,纳食减少,舌淡,脉细,治宜选用
A. 养心汤 B. 温胆汤 C. 桂枝加龙骨牡蛎汤 D. 安神定志丸 E. 甘麦大枣汤 [单选题]以下哪款牙膏产品中添加了宝洁独家Glass-H 美白粒子
A.锁白 B.愈感美白 C.热感美白 D.全优七效 [多项选择]按照交换对象不同,可将市场分为( )。
A. 商品市场 B. 服务市场 C. 技术市场 D. 金融市场 E. 劳动力市场和信息市场 [单选题]更换铆钉时,可用双帽精制螺栓或( )代替代替。
A.高强度螺栓 B.膨胀螺栓 C.M24螺栓 D.以上都不对 [单项选择]The change in Japanese life - style is revealed in the fact that ______.
A. the young are less tolerant of discomforts in life B. the divorce rate in Japan exceeds that in the U. S. A C. the Japanese endure more than ever before D. the Japanese appreciate the present life [名词解释]检索情报
A. 先做物探,查明地基内的溶洞分布情况 B. 优先考虑地基处理,加固线部土层 C. 优先考虑浅埋天然地基,验算沉降及下卧层承载力 D. 优先考虑桩基,以基岩为持力层 [单项选择]业主方项目管理服务于业主的利益,其项目管理的目标包括项目的投资目标、( )和质量目标。
A. 组织目标 B. 进度目标 C. 合同目标 D. 信息目标 [判断题]597. 室外燃气管道强度试验前应先检查试验用压力表和温度记录仪是否在校验有效期内。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]科学发展观最鲜明的精神实质是()。
A. 解放思想 B. 实事求是 C. 与时俱进 D. 求真务实 [填空题]应用胆碱酯酶复活剂应注意()。
A.60年 B.63年 C.65年 D.70年 [单选题]关于延时拍摄的描述,正确的是( )
A.要尽量使⽤慢速快⻔拍摄 B.需要保持⻜⾏器稳定 C.拍摄时⽆⼈机不能在左右⽅向上移动 D.拍摄时⽆⼈机不能在前进或后退⽅向上移动 [单项选择]以下关于口服降糖药叙述错误的是
A. 幼年起病,有酮症酸中毒倾向的l型糖尿病患者忌用磺脲类降糖药 B. 磺脲类药物起作用依赖30%以上有功能的胰岛B细胞 C. 格列喹酮大部分从胆汁排泄,对肾功能不全患者较安全 D. 高乳酸血症和乳酸酸中毒表示磺脲类药物治疗有危险,特别是有肾病和肝病时 [多选题]社团贷款管理办法规定,社团会议对贷款管理的重大事项进行协商,主要包括:( )
A.定期或不定期对代理社进行尽职评估; B.社团贷款合同重要条款的变更; C.借款人、担保人或社团成员社出现的重大违约事件; D.不良社团贷款的管理和处置方案。 [单选题]短时间接触强噪声后,会出现暂时性听力下降,离开噪声环境后可恢复。但较长时间接触强噪声,听力恢复时间越长,随着噪声接触工龄增加,最终形成()。
A.爆震聋 B.心脏病 C.噪声聋 D.耳鸣 我来回答: 提交