George Washington proclaimed a National Day of Thanksgiving in 1789, (36) some were opposed to it. There was (37) among the colonies, (38) feeling the hardships of a few Pilgrims did not (39) a national holiday. And (40) , President Thomas Jefferson laughed (41) the idea of having a day of thanksgiving.
(42) was Sarah Josepha Hale, a magazine editor, whose efforts eventually led to (43) we now recognize as Thanksgiving. Hale wrote many editorials championing her (44) in her Boston Ladies’ Magazine. (45) , after a 40-year (46) of writing editorials and letters to governors and presidents, Hale’s obsession became a (47) when, in 1863, President Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November as a (48) day of Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving was proclaimed by every president (49) Lincoln. The date was changed a (50) of times, mos
A. therefore
B. here
C. soon
D. later
Interpersonal communication is your
interaction with others. Talking to a friend on campus, chatting to a(n)
{{U}} (67) {{/U}} friend on campus, chatting on the phone with a
classmate about a(n) {{U}} (68) {{/U}} test, arguing the {{U}} (69)
{{/U}} of a movie with friends, discussing strategies for accomplishing
tasks at work, {{U}} (70) {{/U}} for a job, and planning the future
{{U}} (71) {{/U}} a loved one am all forms of interpersonal
communication. Effective interpersonal communication {{U}} (72) {{/U}} our sensitivity to others and to the situation. One goal of effective interpersonal communication is to maintain relationships, and forming {{U}} (73) {{/U}} messages that accurately convey our ideas and feelings {{U}} (74) {{/U}} not offending the other person is key {{U}} (75) {{/U}} our success. Effective interpersonal A. work B. build C. keep D. retain [判断题]“白马非马”这一命题的错误在于割裂了事物共性和个性之间的联系。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]_ 是指从业人员由于不服从管理,违章操作,或者强令工人违章冒险作业、或
没有履行安全责任造成严重后果的违法行为。 A.消防责任事故罪 B.重大责任事故罪 C.玩忽职守罪 D.危害公共安全罪 [单选题]《高速铁路有砟轨道线路维修规则》第6.5.2条规定:大型养路机械作业动态验收时,使用大型养路机械作业后()日内,检查车进行动态检查评定。
A.10 B.15 C.20 D.30 [多项选择]判断锅炉过热器受热面损坏的现象()。
A. 蒸汽流量不正常的小于给水流量 B. 过热蒸汽压力、温度下降 C. 炉膛负压变小或变正 [多项选择]根据国有资产管理法律制度的规定,下列资产中,不属于国有资产的有( )。
A. 国有企业为安置企业富余人员无偿转让给集体企业的资产 B. 国有企业投资创办的以集体企业名义注册登记的企业资产 C. 集体企业由国有企业提供担保而未发生担保责任使用银行贷款形成的资产 D. 国有企业职工缴纳的工会会费 [单选题]试切法中引起加工误差的因素中没有( )。
A.测量误差 B.温度变化的影响 C.微量进给的影响 D.加工余量的影响 [多选题]起重时,重量达到起重设备额定负荷的90%及以上时,应( ),否则不准施工。
A.制定专门的安全技术措施 B.经本单位批准 C.作业时应有技术负责人在场指导 D.作业时应有工区领导在场指导 [多选题]消防员应选择与本人身材匹配的帽、盔、()等装备,严禁穿着不合体装备参与作战训练行动。
A.服装 B.手套 C.靴 D.鞋 [单选题]国家鼓励生产经营单位参加安全生产责任保险,属于国家规定的高危行业、领域的应当投保()。
A.意外保险 B.工伤保险 C.安全生产责任保险 D.医疗保险 [单选题]依法必须进行招标的项目,招标人应当自收到评标报告之日起3日内公示中标候选人,公示期不得少于( )日。
A.2 B.2个工作 C.3 D.4 [多项选择]闭角性青光眼临床上分为()
A. 急性闭角性青光眼 B. 慢性闭角性青光眼 C. 继发性青光眼 D. 睫状环阻塞性青光眼 E. 混合型青光眼 [单选题]中国铁路总公司客运部《关于规范动车组应急饮食品供应工作》的通知,符合免费供应条件时,列车长可向属地铁路局集团公司客运(客服)调度提出应急饮食品供应申请,需求量不应超列车现员的( )%。
A.80 B.90 C.100 D.110 [单选题]46.不符合下运动神经元瘫痪特点是
A.瘫痪以肌群为主 B.肌萎缩明显 C.无病理反射 D.腱反射减低或消失 E.肌张力增高 [多项选择]在现代工资制度的发展过程中,形成了()等工资制度类型。
A. 岗位工资制 B. 技能工资制 C. 结构工资制 D. 绩效工资制 [简答题]简述生产、销售伪劣产品罪的行为方式。
[单选题]水泵控制箱上的 “自动”档位对应人机界面上的( )。
A.手动状态 B.自动状态 C.PLC状态 D.半自动状态 我来回答: 提交