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Life learning (sometimes called un-schooling or self-directed learning) is one of those concepts that are almost easier to explain by saying what it isn’t, than what it is. And that’s probably because our own schooled backgrounds have convinced us that learning happens only in a dedicated building on certain days, between certain hours, and managed by a specially trained professional.
Within that schooling framework, no matter how hard teachers try and no matter how good their textbooks, many bright students get bored, many slower students struggle and give up or lose their self-respect, and most of them reach the end of the process unprepared to enter into society. They have memorized a certain body of knowledge long enough to rush back the information on tests, but they haven’t really learnt much, at least of the official curriculum.
Life learners, on the other hand, know that learning is not difficult, that people learn things q
A. could prevent one from running risks
B. could be a road full of trials and errors
C. makes a kid independent of his parents
D. teaches a kid how to avoid being scorned
If you are an American and you think you might need to borrow money someday, the best thing to do is start early. That’s because just as many employers want to hire only people with experience, banks and other creditors are usually reluctant to lend to those {{U}} (51) {{/U}} a proven track record of paying back, {{U}} (52) {{/U}} time, the money they have borrowed. But if you need experience just to get a start, how do you get that stat in the first place With a little help from your parents usually, while you are still financially dependent {{U}} (53) {{/U}} them. It is easy to get a credit card or student loan when you are in college, because banks figure your parents will bail you out if you fail to pay.A. report B. conclusion C. review D. introduction [多选题]生产或检修过程中需使用吊车,应提前一天向设备管理科提出申请。申请时应提供起吊物的以下数据( )
A.起吊物重量 B.材质/具体使用时间 C.起吊物提升高度 D.起吊物距吊车距离 [多选题]在开展不需要停电,不存在接触带电部位风险的抄表催费、客户现场安全检查、涂改编号等工作时,可不使用工作票或现场作业工作卡,但应以其他形式记录相应的操作和工作等内容。其他记录形式包括()等。
A.客户现场安全检查 B.作业指导书(卡) C.派工单 D.工作记录 [判断题]更换阀控光纤时要注意作业人员确认安全措施后将光纤拔出并做好标记;检查备用光纤是否完好,插拔光纤应规范,避免对光口板造成损伤;备用光纤插入前应用清洁工具将光纤头清洁干净;用测试仪测量新的光纤光功率损耗是否正常;将插入的新光纤做好标签记录;插拔光纤应使用专用工具。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]按照我国现行的就业统计标准,下列人员中不应该被统计为就业者的是()。
A.外出度假的公司职员 B.在公司里做兼职的大学生 C.私营公司的老板 D.退休后被返聘的大学教授 [单项选择]在肾脏疾病中出现血尿最常见的原因是().
A. 糖尿病肾病 B. 骨髓瘤肾病 C. 高血压肾损伤 D. 多囊肾 E. 急性肾小管坏死 [单选题]患者,男性,67岁。1年前诊断为心绞痛,今日午后无明显诱因出现心前区疼痛,服硝酸甘油不能缓解,急诊入院,医嘱:查CPK。该项目最适宜的采血时间是( )
A.即刻 B.睡前 C.晚饭前 D.服药后2小时 E.次日晨起空腹 [单选题]产生电压崩溃的原因为 ( )
A.无功功率严重不足 B.有功功率严重不足 C.系统受到小的干扰 D.系统发生短路 [单项选择]下关穴归属何经()。
A. 手少阳经 B. 足阳明经 C. 手阳明经 D. 足少阳经 E. 手太阳经 [单选题]高速道岔铺设施工测量采用CPⅢ基准网,CPⅢ加密基桩基标测量精度平面位置±0.2mm、高程( )。
A.±0.1mm B.±0.2mm C.±0.4mm D.±0.5mm 我来回答: 提交