Injuries can happen at any time, any
place. When they do occur everyone likes to get the best treatment to help them
heal quickly and properly. For athletes, the need to receive proper medical care
is crucial in order for them to continue their sports careers. Athletes depend
on the knowledge of doctors who are specially trained in sports medicine, which
is a field of medicine that has grown rapidly since 1950s. Sports medicine is more than just the treatment of injuries. It is also concerned with the prevention of injuries, the maintaining of a proper diet, the creation of individual exercise programs for an athlete and the mental preparation of the athlete. In general, sports medicine is relevant to all aspects of monitoring athletes while they are in training. The field of sports medicine includes nutrition, surgery, physi A. diagnosing patients who are not athletes. B. promoting oxygenation of the blood. C. curing injuries. D. getting rid of cancer. [多项选择]患者男性,76岁,原有高血压。因腹痛伴停止排便排气2天入院。查体:急性痛苦貌,精神不振,体温38.5℃,呼吸30次∕分,心率120次∕分,血压100∕60mmHg,双肺呼吸音略粗,无啰音,腹肌紧张,有压痛、反跳痛,四肢活动好,无水肿。尿量减少,3小时60ml。在积极检查的同时应该做如下的工作()
A. 先选去甲万古霉素抗感染 B. 予以5%葡萄糖液快速输注 C. 予以碳氢酶烯类抗感染 D. 积极做好外科剖腹探查的术前准备 E. 输入血浆 F. 利尿治疗以防止心力衰竭 [简答题]语文知识包括哪些内容?
[填空题] Today I want to help you with a study reading method known as SQ3R. The letters stand for five steps in the reading (36) ________: Survey, Question, Read, Review, Recite. Each of the steps should be done carefully and in the order mentioned.
In all study reading, a survey should be the first step. Survey means to look quickly. In study reading, you need to look quickly at titles, words in darker or larger print, words with (37) ________ letters, (38) ________ and charts. Don’’t stop to read complete sentences. Just look at the important (39) ________ of the materials.
The second step is question. Try to form questions based on your survey. Use the question words who, what, when, where, why and how.
Now you are ready for the third step. Read. You will be reading the (40) ________ and important words that you looked at in the (41) ________, but this time you will read the examples and (42) ________ as well. Sometimes it is useful to take notes while you read. I have ha
[单选题]审计按时间分类分为( )
A.A B.B C.C D.D [判断题]双母线差动保护按要求在每一单元出口回路加装低电压闭锁。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列所得一次收入过高的,可以实行加成征收()。
A. 稿酬所得 B. 劳务报酬所得 C. 红利所得 D. 偶然所得 [填空题]1983年12月,我国自行设计的第一个每秒向量运算一亿次的巨型计算机研制成功。这个命名为( )的巨型计算机研制成功,使我国跨进了世界研制巨型机的行列,标志着我国计算机技术发展到了一个新阶段。
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