The Chrysanthemum and the Sword (《菊与刀》)
describes clearly how the Japanese lived and thought in the 1930s and 1940s. The
book developed from research into Japanese society conducted for the American
leadership, civilian and military, during the Second World War. Benedict describes social customs and traditions found in Japan at the outbreak of WWII. For instance, Japanese love bathing and the eldest male gets to go first and women having their period go last; everyone uses the same water, but this is no worse than everyone sharing a pool because bathers wash before getting into the tub. Another tradition is that women usually control the family purse with the husbands handing ove A. The youngest male gets to bath first. B. Women are the last ones to take a bath in their family. C. Husband is in charge of daily expenses of the family. D. Women needn’t work since their husband will support them. [单项选择]
A. though B. when C. before D. if [单选题](B737ng)当飞机起飞时应选择如下方式起飞:
A.A.接通F/D、A/P、A/T B.B.仅接通A/P、A/T C.C.仅接返F/D和A/T D.D.仅接通A/P [单选题]如果一个炮眼内装多包药卷,每包药卷的聚能穴都应( )。 (单选题)
A.与雷管的聚能穴方向一致 B.与雷管的聚能穴方向相反 C.聚能穴与聚能穴相对 [多选题]安全工器具运输或存放在车辆上时,不得与酸、碱、油类和化学药品接触,并有( )的措施。
A.防晒 B.防滑 C.防损伤 D.防绝缘性能破坏 [简答题]人字架法是怎样起放井架校正井架?
A. 库恩 B. 米德 C. 戈夫曼 D. 布鲁默 E. 威因斯坦 [单选题]改建、扩建工程的继电保护施工或检验工作,设备运行维护单位应与施工调试单位签订相关(),明确双方安全职责,并由设备运行维护单位按规定向本单位安全监管部门备案。
A.安全协议 B.工作协议 C.物资协议 D.质量协议 [多项选择]假设执行下列语句之前,变量a、b、c的值分别为1、2、3,那么执行下列语句以后,变量c的值发生变化的有()。
A. c=(a>B.?2:3; B. if(c=0)b++; C. for(inti=a;i D. a=c==b。 [判断题]镀冰衣可应用在鱼类产品的冻藏中,以减少干耗率。
[多选题] 三相异步电机的启动方法有:
A.直接启动 B.Y-△换接启动 C.变压器降压启动 D.△-Y换接启动 [多选题]进入社区时,保安不让进,经纪人怎么办?( )
A.与保安吵一架 B.放弃,不进社区 C.找区经来协调 D.前期提前打好关系,为下一次顺畅进社区做好准备 [单项选择] Human migration, the term is vague. What people usually think of is the permanent movement of people from one home to another. More broadly, though, migration means all the ways -- from the seasonal drift of agricultural workers within a country to the relocation of refugees from one country to another.
Migration is big, dangerous, compelling. It is 60 million Europeans leaving home from the 16th to the 20th centuries. It is some 15 million Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims swept up in a tumultuous shuffle of citizens between India and Pakistan after the partition of the subcontinent in 1947.
Migration is the dynamic undertow of population change, everyone’’s solution, everyone’’s conflict. As the century turns, migration, with its inevitable economic and political turmoil, has been called "one of the greatest challenges of the coming century".
But it is much more than that. It is, as it has always been, the great adventure of human life. Migration helped create humans, dro
A. human adaptability. B. human evolution. C. cultural differences. D. inter-group inequalities. [单选题]A.桃仁、赤芍
A.桃仁、红花 B.桃仁、川芎 C.桃仁、大黄 D.桃仁、当归 E.桃核承气汤的君药是 [单选题]各类作业人员应接受相应的安全生产教育和( )培训,经考试合格上岗。
A.生产技术 B.实际操作 C.岗位技能 D.操作能力 [填空题]数据流程图的四个基本组成要素是 【12】 、数据流、加工处理和数据存储。
[多项选择]下列各项中,属于财产清查对象的有( )。
A. 财产物资 B. 库存现金 C. 银行存款 D. 债权债务 [单选题]患儿女,生后7天,诊断为新生儿黄疸收入院行蓝光照射治疗。光疗时,护士应特别注意的是()
A.保护眼睛 B.及时喂养 C.监测血压 D.保持安静 E.皮肤清洁 [判断题]侧沟、天沟、排水沟的横断面应有足够的过水能力。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
有如下程序: A. 程序编译正确 B. 程序编译时语句①出错 C. 程序编译时语句②出错 D. 程序编译时语句③出错 [单选题]动火工作票一般至少一式三份,一份由工作负责人收执、一份由()收执、一份保存在安监部门(或具有消防管理职责的部门)(指变电站一级动火工作票)或动火部门(指变电站二级动火工作票)。
A.运维许可人 B.动火执行人 C.消防监护人 D.技术负责人 我来回答: 提交