Christmas Eve means a warm get-together
with friends, a candlelight dinner, or perhaps a celebration at a pub (洒馆) for
students. But, for Cai Yingjie, the night has a different meaning: helping
beggars (乞丐) and the homeless (people without homes). Cai, who is a student in journalism at Tsinghua, could be found at Beijing’s Wudaokou Light Railway Station that special evening. When she saw an old beggar, she took the cold, rough hands of the woman with her warm, clean hands, and gave the woman some warm bread and helped her put on a pair of new gloves (手套). The woman was surprised for a few seconds, then burst into tears, saying "for the first time I feel respected (gsa)". Cai said, "A beggar’s life is very hard. That’s why I want to help them." Cai was one of 14 Tsinghua students spending Christmas Eve among the poor. They walked i [单选题]在低压配电装置和低压导线上工作中,对于低压电动机和在不可能触及高压设备、二次系统的照明回路上的工作可(),该工作至少由两人进行。
A.不填用工作票,但应做好相应记录 B.填用变电站(发电厂)第一种工作票 C.填用变电站(发电厂)第二种工作票 D.填用变电站(发电厂)带电作业工作票 [多选题]各驻场单位租用机场房屋( )、( )、( )、( )等)供电电缆与楼内供电总开关上端为分界点,上端由集团公司公共区管理部管理维护,下端由使用单位管理维护。
A.公安分局办公楼 B.大连航 C.东航 D.华夏航 [单选题]下列哪项不属于上焦病证
A.汗出 B.咳嗽 C.耳聋 D.头痛 E.口渴 [多选题]高危生产经营单位应当建立安全生产承诺公告制度,对本单位有较大危险因素的( )进行承诺,并定期向社会公告。
A. 生产经营场所和设施 B. 设备的安全运行状态 C. 隐患排查治理情况 D. 风险点的安全可控状态 [单选题]禁止在运行中清扫、擦拭和润滑机器的旋转和( )的部分,以及把手伸入栅栏内。
A.A.绝缘 B.B.固定 C.C.金属 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]出站水击泄压阀内漏,停用时应先关闭()。
A. 泄压阀上游手阀 B. 泄压阀下游手阀 C. 泄压罐罐根阀 D. 进站阀 [单选题]“马赫带”反映的感觉现象是( )。
A.感觉适应 B.感觉补偿 C.感觉融合 D.感觉对比 [单选题]采掘工作面风流中二氧化碳浓度达到( )时,必须停止工作,撤出人员,查明原因,制定措施,进行处理。
A.0.5% B.1.0% C.1.5% D.2.0% [多选题]数据预处理的过程主要是( )
A.数据清洗 B.数据集成 C.数据变换 D.数据规约 [多选题]电力接入工程行政审批包含( )等环节。
A.规划许可 B.绿地占用审批 C.占路许可 D.掘路/涉路许可 [多项选择]按处理空调负荷的输送介质分类,空气系统分为全空气系统、空气.水系统、全水系统等,属于全空气系统的有()。
A. 双风管集中式系统 B. 带盘管的诱导系统 C. 变风量的单风管系统 D. 风机盘管系统 [填空题]Part 2
Questions 9-18 ·Read the following article and answer questions 9-18 on the next page. Train Your Body into Knowing When It’s Time to Sleep 1. A good night’s sleep actually starts in the morning. The second your eyes open, light shoots down the optic nerve and into the brain’s biological clock. There it stimulates the production of hormones that regulate growth, reproduction, eating, sleeping, thinking, remembering—even how you feel from minute to minute. "Sunlight activates the brain," says Frisca L. Yan-Go, M.D., medical director of the UCLA Sleep Disorders Center. And activating it at the same time every morning synchronizes your body’s biological clock. Then your body has a clear direction that at midnight it’s supposed to be asleep and at noon it’s supposed to be awake. Wake up at a different time every day and the clock is out of order. You feel sleepy and hung over fo [判断题]每级分支行只能有一个协办人。(
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]