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Legends about King Arthur have existed
since the 6th century. Stories of the man and his doings have grown far beyond
anything that could be regarded as factual history. Here are some of the
highlights. Arthur was born as a result of the wizardry of Merlin, who arranged all adulterous liaison between Arthur’s father, King Uther Pendragon, and his lover, a married duchess. Merlin agreed to do this only if the lovers allowed him to bring up the child born of the affair. When Uther Pendragon died some years later, there was confusion in the kingdom about who should inherit the throne. Merlin arranged a pageant where many knights came to try their luck at pulling a sword out of a stone. Whoever successfully extracted the blade was the rightful king. After many a brave knight had tried and failed, Merlin pr A. King Arthur B. The most morally respectable knight C. Sir Lancelot D. The Round Table knights [单选题]阴黄的颜色特征是
A.淡黄色 B.深黄色 C.金黄色 D.黄色鲜明 E.黄色晦暗 [单项选择]以下含有“简称词语”的句子是()
A. 予幼嗜岐黄家言,读书自《灵》、《素》、《难经》而下,旁及《道藏》、《石室》(《串雅·序》) B. 故鸿宝金匮、青囊绿帙,往往而有(《外台秘要·序》) C. 《周礼》分医为四,有食医、疾医、疡医、兽医(《串雅·序》) D. 《难经》而然,《内经》可知矣(《类经》序) E. 故《春秋》分为五(《汉书·艺文志》序) [单项选择]链表不具有的特点是( )。
A. 不必事先估计存储空间 B. 可随机访问任一元素 C. 插入删除不需要移动元素 D. 所需空间与线性表长度成正比 [单项选择]下列句子表意准确,没有语病的一句是()。
A. 我们在党和政府的有力领导下,众志成城,万众一心,战胜了非典 B. 有关部门对极少数不尊重环卫玉人劳动、无理取闹、甚至殴打侮辱环卫工人的事件,及时进行了批评教育和严肃处理 C. 文件对经济领域中的一些问题,从理论上和政策上作了详细的规定和深刻的说明 D. 到会的15名与会者,一同研究了他的观点 [单项选择]急性脊髓炎患者7天后,双下肢完全瘫痪伴大小便失禁,骶部皮肤小片无痛性红肿区,无溃破,无发热
A. 丹毒 B. 疱肿 C. 褥疮 D. 骨髓炎 E. 结核 [单选题]( )是划分易燃、可燃液体火灾危险性的重要参数。
A.燃点 B.自燃点 C.闪点 D.氧指数 [单项选择]国际评估准则委员会成立于()年。
A. 1981 B. 1982 C. 1983 D. 1984 [判断题]免费乘车的儿童不可以免费携带物品。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交