Conversation 6
W:Hello.This is Terry speaking.
M:Hello, Terry.It’s me——Garden.I am wondering (1)if you would like to go to the concert with me
W:Yes.I’d like to.But when about Saturday evening
W:Oh, I’m afraid I can’t.I’ve got (2)a dinner party with my parents.
M:Oh.what a pity!
W:But what about Sunday evening I’ll be free then.
M:Yes, (3)Sunday evening would be fine.
W:Good.What time shall we meet
M:Will (3)6: 30 be convenient for you
W:Right.I’ll see you then.
Electronic Mail During the past few years, scientists all over the world have suddenly found themselves productively engaged in task they once spent their lives avoiding—writing, any kind of writing, but particularly letter writing. Encouraged by electronic mail’s surprisingly high speed, convenience and economy, people who never before touched the stuff are regularly, skillfully, even cheerfully tapping out a great deal of correspondence. Electronic networks, woven into the fabric of scientific communication these days, are the route to colleagues in distant countries, shared data, bulletin boards and electronic journals. Anyone with a personal computer, a modem and the software to link computers over telephon A. Electronic routes used to read home and international journals B. Electronic routes used to fax or correspond overnight C. Electronic routes waiting for correspondence while one is sleeping D. Electronic routes connected among millions of users, home and abroad [判断题]安全带的挂钩或绳子应分别挂在结实牢固的构件上、或专为挂安全带用的钢丝绳上,并应采用高挂低用的方式。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]竖曲线不得与竖曲线、缓和曲线重叠,必要时可以侵入道岔及无砟桥梁上。 (A、3、A)[030101]()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]流注理论认为,有效电子的来源是空间的光游离,并考虑空间电荷对电场的畸变作用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( ) 如果我们也能倾听孩子,与他产生共情,那么也能有助于孩子自己解决问题。帮助
孩子面对他们的感受的方法不包括( ) A.全神贯注地倾听 B.用复杂的话来回应他们的感受 C.说出他们的感受 D.用幻想的方式实现他们的愿望 [单项选择]可切开引流治疗的是()
A. 外阴炎 B. 滴虫性阴道炎 C. 外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病 D. 前庭大腺囊肿 E. 慢性宫颈炎 [判断题]列车运行是以车站、线路所所划分的区间及自动闭塞区间的通过信号机所划分的闭塞分区作间隔。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]全身麻醉中最常见的并发症是
A.低血压 B.窒息 C.心律失常 D.麻醉药过敏 E.高血压 [单项选择]采用索引文件的目的是______。
A. 节约存储空间 B. 用户使用方便 C. 减少数据冗余 D. 加快查找速度 [单项选择]由国务院投资主管部门核准的企业投资项目,其项目申请报告应有具备( )工程咨询资格的机构编制。
A. 高级 B. 甲级 C. 乙级 D. 丙级 [单项选择]厚朴温中汤的功用是( )
A. 疏肝泄热,活血止痛 B. 行气疏肝,散寒止痛 C. 温补肝肾,行气止痛 D. 行气上痛,软坚散结 E. 行气除满,温中燥湿 我来回答: 提交