A number of business people still
believe that information is power and constantly question how {{U}} (29)
{{/U}} people need to know. As a result, they tell employees {{U}} (30)
{{/U}} as much as they think is essential {{U}} (31) {{/U}} them to
do particular jobs. Furthermore, {{U}} (32) {{/U}} business people have
been taught {{U}} (33) {{/U}} to communicate effectively and
{{U}} (34) {{/U}} they communicate very badly at all levels. Recent research shows that {{U}} (35) {{/U}} most serious problems experienced by modern business are communication {{U}} (36) {{/U}} Research [单选题]我国建筑业企业申请资质时应具备一定数量的持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员,下列不属于施工现场管理人员范畴的是( )。
A.劳务员 B.施工员 C.项目经理 D.质检员 [单选题]婴儿脐疝:
A.紧急手术 B.尽早手术 C.择期手术 D.暂不手术 E.佩用疝带 [判断题]药品生产、经营企业对其药品购销行为负责,对其销售人员或设立的办事机构以本企业名义从事的药品购销行为承担法律责任。()
A. 提速轮对 B. 减重轮对 C. 提速且减重轮对 D. RD2型轮对 [单项选择]某企业于年初存入银行10000元,假定年利率为12%,每年复利两次。已知(F/P,6%,5)=1.3382,(F/P,6%,10)=1.7908,(F/P,12%,5)=1.7623,(F/P,12%,10)=3.1058,则第5年末的本利和为( )元。
A. 13382 B. 17623 C. 17908 D. 31058 [单项选择]
A. practical B. practicing C. practice D. practised [单选题]A-1.B-1.B-003 3
稳压二极管是一个可逆击穿二极管,稳压时工作在反偏状态,但其两端电压 必须( )它的稳压值Uz才有导通电流,否则处于截止状态。 A.正偏 B.反偏 C.大于 D.小于 [单选题]为了给病人补充热量,输液中应选用
A.各种代血浆 B.0.9%氯化钠 C.5%碳酸氢钠 D.5%~10%葡萄糖溶液 E.50%葡萄糖注射液 [单选题]施工现场准备包括( )。
A.项目扩大初步设计方案的审查,熟悉和审查项目的施工图纸,项目建设地点自然条件、技术经济条件调查分析,编制项目施工图预算和施工预算,编制项目施工组织设计等 B.控制网、水准点、标桩的测量,“五通一平”,生产、生活临时设施等准备 C.建立项目组织机构,集结施工队伍,对施工人员进行入场教育等 D.建筑材料准备,构配件和制品加工准备,施工机具准备,生产工艺设备的准备等 [简答题]{{B}}Task 3{{/B}}
{{B}}Directions{{/B}}: The following is an article about tipping. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline below it (No. 46 through No. 50). You should write your answers briefly on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Tipping
The British Tourist Authority gives the following summary of usual practice. There are no fixed rules and the amount you give can reflect whether you feel you have received good or only average service. Hotels: many hotel bills include a service charge, usually 10-12.5%, but in some larger hotels, 15%. Where a service charge is not included, it is usual to divide 10-15% of the bill among the staff who have given a good service. Porterage (搬运) : 20p per suitcase (包). Taxis: 10-15% of the fare. Hairdressers: 50p plus about 50p to the assistant who washes your ha [判断题]( )按《塔里木油田钻井井控实施细则》规定:井控监测仪器仪表、辅助及安全防护设施未配套或配套不齐全。领导批准可以钻开油气层(目的层)。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]涉外合同之债的法律适用原则( )
A. 适用合同订立地法原则 B. 适用合同履行地法原则 C. 意思自治原则 D. 最密切联系原则 我来回答: 提交