Analysts have had their go at humor,
and I have read sortie of this interpretative literature, but without being
greatly instructed. Humor can be dissected, as a frog can, but the thing dies in
the process and the innards (内在部分) are discouraging to any but the pure
scientific mind. In a newsreel theatre the other day I saw a picture of a man who had developed the soap bubble to a higher point than it had ever before reached. He had become the ace soap bubble blower of America, had perfected the business of blowing bubbles, refined it, doubled it, squared it, and had even worked himself up into a convenient lather. The effect was not pretty. Some of the bubbles were too big to be beautiful, and the blower was always jumping into them or out of them, or playing some sort of unattractive trick with them. It was, if anything, a rathe A. it expresses the truth of the sadness of human life with a sparkling surface B. everyone has his happy moments and unhappy moments C. there is an obvious line between laughing and crying D. it is like poetry, very rhythmic [判断题]新录用消防员参加为期半年的入职训练
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]测量线路绝缘电阻时,应在取得许可并通知()后进行。
A.变电运维人员 B.工作负责人 C.监控人员 D.对侧 [单项选择]一类高层建筑内自备发电设备,应设有自动启动装置,并能在()秒内供电。
A. 5 B. 15 C. 30 D. 60 [单选题] 在建筑生产中最基本的安全管理制度是( )。
A.安全生产责任制度 B.群防群治制度 C.安全生产教育培训制度 D.安全生产检查制度 [单项选择]下列关于肠杆菌科细菌特性的描述,哪一项是错误的( )
A. 革兰阴性杆菌 B. 氧化酶阳性 C. 硝酸盐还原阳性 D. 发酵葡萄糖产酸 E. DNA酶阴性 [判断题]根据可逆变换反应式CO+H2O CO2+H2,反应前后气体体积不变,则增加压力对该反应平衡无影响,因此变换反应过程应在常压下进行。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]不准在线路附近舞动()()()物品。
A.、绿色、黄色、红色 B.绿色、蓝色、红色 C.绿色、黄色、白色 D.蓝色、黄色、红色 [单选题]古诗“去年元夜时,花市灯如昼,月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后”中,“元夜”所指的传统节日是( )。
A.元旦 B.元宵 C.端午 D.中秋 [判断题]ODT面板指示灯RUN绿灯闪烁表示单板运行不正常。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]规则波
A. 金锁 B. 铜锁 C. 铁锁 D. 以上均错 我来回答: 提交