"$ 160 for a parking ticket! I’m
calling city hall about this. There must be some mistake." Nick thought{{U}}
(36) {{/U}}. "Yes, sir, there is a mistake," said the man at the city
hall," {{U}} (37) {{/U}}I’m afraid the mistake’s {{U}} (38)
{{/U}}. This ticket was for $20. However, the fine doubles every 30 days. It
has been 90 days, so the{{U}} (39) {{/U}}is now $160. You will have to
pay that." Nick had the $20 and he{{U}} (40) {{/U}}to pay the fine. But
for some reason the ticket had gotten{{U}} (41) {{/U}}in his pile of
papers and unopened letters. Nick had always been a {{U}} (42) {{/U}}person. In the past six months, he had{{U}} (43) {{/U}}to pay his electricity bill, {{U}} (44) {{/U}}his jacket at the cleaner’s too {{U}} (45) {{/U}}and had to pay for the "storage". A A. when B. since C. where D. that [单选题]通用知识规定:检查工作的领导干部,凭( )登乘机车
A.工作证 B.调度命令 C.添乘证 D.登乘机车证 [多项选择]图纸会审的内容,一般包括下列()。
A. 审查设计图纸是否满足项目立项的功能 B. 审查图纸是否已经审查机构签字、盖章 C. 审查地质勘探资料是否齐全 D. 审查设计地震烈度是否符合国内平均要求 E. 审查防火、消防是否满足要求 [单选题]铁路工作永恒的主题是()。
A.注重质量、讲究信誉 B.安全第一、预防为主 C.尊客爱货、优质服务 D.团结协作、顾全大局 [多选题]多选题:采用人工闭塞法、区段行车法组织行车时二号线报点站有( )。
A.沈阳北站站 B.青年大街站 C.工业展览馆站 D.营盘街站 [单选题]用电线路及电气设备的绝缘应良好,布线应整齐,设备的()应加防护措施。
A.裸露带电部分 B.带电部分 C.外壳 D.接线端子 [单项选择]工程建设固定资产其他费用中,( )指建设项目在建设期间根据需要对建筑工程、安装工程、机器设备和人身安全进行投保而发生的费用。
A. 研究试验费 B. 工程保险费 C. 勘察设计费 D. 建设管理费 [单选题]电气设备有三种工作状态,即运行、备用、()。
A.冷备用 B.热备用 C.检修状态 [单项选择]《矿山安全法>的监督管理和行政执法主体是()
A. 监察部门 B. 公安部门 C. 企业管理部门 D. 负责安全生产监督管理的部门 我来回答: 提交