Basically, there are three types of
fatigue: physical, pathological (由疾病引起的), and psychological. As you might
suspect, each differs significantly from the others. When you exercise your body you produce waste products. Muscles, for example, discard lactic acid (乳酸) into the blood; cells dump in carbon dioxide, When these wastes reach a certain level in the blood, the brain is notified and your activity level drops. Excess wastes in the muscles may produce soreness. If the blood of a physically fatigued animal is injected into a rested animal, it will produce fatigue. The solution to this type of fatigue is simple—rest. That should revive you; if it doesn’t, another cause should be sought. Have you ever become involved in so many activities that you had to be in two places at once This is what happens when your bod A. Sleep is the solution for all types of fatigue. B. Psychologically healthy people do not suffer from fatigue. C. Changing your diet cannot cure psychological fatigue. D. You won’t become fatigued if you are doing something you enjoy. [判断题]振动路机在碾压时,振动频率应经常改变,以达到最好的碾压效果。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]45岁男性,经理,送来急诊,自述半小时前突然感到气紧、胸闷、心悸、头晕、出汗,认为生命垂危,要求紧急处理,近1个月来。这种情况发生过3次,每次持续约0.5~1小时,发病间隙期一切正常,发病与饮食无明显关系。最大可能的诊断是
A. 癔症发作 B. 低血钾症 C. 惊恐发作 D. 心肌梗死 E. 内脏性癫痫 [多选题]公路施工企业项目负责人,包括( )。
A.项目经理 B.项目副经理 C.项目总工 D.作业队长 E.专职安全员 [判断题]
Back in his own country Mr.Wang studied C-language and chemistry. [多项选择]使摆动着的吊钩平稳地停于()或使吊钩随起重机()方法,称为稳钩。
A. 所需位置 B. 平稳地运行 C. 位移 D. 行走 [简答题]对接户线的铜铝接头有何要求?
[多选题]彻底切断赌资流通渠道的重要措施有( )。
A.防止资金随赌博活动流失 B.以上都不对 C.加强对大额资金流的监控 D.加强对大额资金流的管理力度 [单选题]办理共享型跨域融合套餐前,在首页认证_2.0体验版,打开跨域按钮选择()地市。
A.异地移网主号码归属地 B.异地宽带号码归属地 C.异地固话归属地 D.受理地 [单选题]2号线每个ATP车载单元有两个速度传感器, 它们分别位于()
A.不同侧不同的非动力制动轴上 B.同一侧不同的非动力制动轴上 C.不同侧同一个非动力制动轴上 D.同一侧同一个非动力制动轴上 [单项选择]Part 4
Questions 26-45 ·Read the following article and choose the best word for each space. ·For questions 26-45, mark one letter A, B, C or D on the Answer Sheet. iPhone Left in Hot Car for Three Hours The normally peaceful suburban town of Winnetka is still reeling following the news Monday (26) a local resident, whose name is being (27) by police pending a full investigation, left an iPhone unattended for more than three hours in a car (28) in the hot sun. "Responding to calls from (29) . passersby, who observed the iPhone sitting in a vehicle in the parking (30) of the Westfield Shopping Center, police arrived on the (31) at approximately 4 p.m. and immediately intervened to save the device," said Winnetka police chief Douglas Blaine. "Security cameras have shown that the iPhone had been in the car— with th [单选题]1现场安全措施布置()、安全工器具(),属于Ⅰ类严重违章。
A.到位,不合格 B.不到位,不合格 C.不到位,合格 D.到位,合格 [单选题]作为人体防静电的措施之一是()。
A.应穿戴防静电工作服、鞋和手套 B.应注意远离水、金属等良导体 C.应定时检测静电 [多选题] 接入低压配电网的分布式电源,并网点应安装( )、具备开断故障电流能力的开断设备。
A. 易操作 B. 可闭锁 C. 具有明显开断指示 D. 电网侧应能接地 [多选题]某港口一物流公司危险品仓库的金属发生火灾,可供选择扑救此类火灾的灭火剂有()
A.干粉 B.7150灭火剂 C.干沙 D.铸铁屑粉末 [单项选择]下列对人民代表大会与其他国家机关的关系的表述,不正确的是()。
A. 从法律上说,人民代表大会与其他国家机关在地位上是平等的 B. 从组织上说,其他国家机关对人民代表大会产生 C. 从工作上说,其他国家机关对人民代表大会负责,每年定期向人民代表大会作工作报告 D. 从行为上说,人民代表大会对其他国家机关的行为进行全面的监督 [单选题]( )是规定大型群众性活动的安全责任制度和安全监督管理措施,保证大型活动安全举办的行政法规。
A.《保安服务管理条例》 B.《企业事业单位内部治安保卫条例》 C.《大型群众性活动安全管理条例》 D.《治安管理处罚条例》 我来回答: 提交