It is all very well to blame traffic
jams, the cost of petrol and the quick pace of modern
life, but manners on the roads are becoming horrible. Every body knows
that the{{U}} 62 {{/U}}men become monsters behind the wheel. You might
tolerate the odd road {{I}}hog {{/I}}(乱开车的司机), the rude and{{U}} 63
{{/U}}driver, but nowadays the well-mannered motorist is the{{U}} 64
{{/U}}to the rule. Perhaps the situation calls for a "Be Kind to Other Drivers"
campaign,{{U}} 65 {{/U}}it may get completely out of hand. Road politeness is not only good manners, but good sense too. It takes the most cool-headed and good-tempered of drivers to{{U}} 66 {{/U}}the temptation to revenge when subjected{{U}} 67 {{/U}}uncivilized behavior. On the other hand, a little politeness goes a long way towards relieving the{{U}} 68 {{/U}}of mo A. defense B. response C. obedience D. reference [单项选择]对已确认发生严重不良反应的药品,药品监督管理部门可以()
A. 采取查封扣押的行政强制措施 B. 采取暂停、生产、销售或使用的紧急控制措施 C. 责令限期改正,逾期不改的,依据情节处以罚款、吊销许可证等行政处罚措施 D. 责令改正,没收违法销售的制剂,并处罚款,有违法所得的予以没收 E. 由工商行政管理部门处1万~20万元的罚款,没收违法所得,情节严重吊销证照 [判断题]交通事故因双方当事人的过错引发,双方当事人分别承担同等责任。
A. 叶酸 B. 维生素B12 C. 硫酸亚铁 D. 右旋糖酐铁 E. 枸橼酸铁铵 [单项选择]前置液的任务在于建立井底压力,逐渐达到地层的(),将地层压开裂缝。
A. 破裂压力 B. 注入压力 C. 注水压力 D. 启动压力 [多选题]电机车牵引力的大小取决于()。
A.电机车大小 B.牵引电动机的容量 C.电流 D.粘着条件 [不定项选择题]A.茎呈细长圆柱形,常盘绕成团,昧淡
A.茎呈长圆锥形,味微苦 B.茎扁圆柱形,表面有深纵沟,味苦 C.茎呈螺旋形或弹簧状 D.茎圆柱形,嚼之有粘性 E.金钗石斛的特点是 [单选题] "动脉粥样硬化的重要危险因素是
A.H.DL降低 B. TC降低 C. TG降低 D. LDL降低 E. VLDL降低 [单选题]我国农村经济体制改革是以( )为主要标志。
A.农产品流通体制 B.农村税费制度改革 C.农产品价格体制改革 D.家庭承包经营责任制 [单项选择]汇兑系统中机构代码第1-2位代表省代码,第3-4位代表()。
A. 地市代码 B. 县市代码 C. 顺序号 D. 业务种类 [简答题]温度对压实有何影响?
A. 保护消费者的所有权益、维护社会经济秩序、促进社会主义经济健康发展 B. 保护消费者的合法权益、维护经营者秩序、促进社会主义经济健康发展 C. 保护消费者的合法权益、维护社会经济秩序、促进社会主义经济健康发展 D. 保护消费者的所有权益、维护经营者秩序、促进社会主义经济健康发展 [名词解释]理证
[简答题]Questions 10-19
The strangest-looking fish in the Everglades wetland region of southern Florida is
the Florida gar, whose unusual appearance includes sharp needlelike teeth that ftil along snout. Young gars have numerous dark spots and patches on an olive to yellow,long, slender body. Gars darken with age so that adults appear mostly dark brown, especially when seen from above. Several types of gar exist in eastern and centralNorth America, some of which are extremely large. The aptly named alligator gar isoccasionally mistaken for an alligator and occurs from the lower Mississippi drainagebasin to the rivers of the western panhandle of Florida. Only the relatively small Floridagar, seldom longer than two feet, lives in the Everglades. (The much larger long-nose garas occasionally been found in the Everglades hut historically occurs only north of theregion.) As with all gars, the Florida gar is predatory and is adept at catching smallerfish from schools by using a fast sideways snap
A. A.skilled B.unusual C.alone D. observed [多项选择]补偿贸易的特点包括()。
A. 补偿贸易属于一种贸易方式,带有易货贸易的特点 B. 补偿贸易包含技术引进的内容 C. 补偿贸易就是一种商品贸易 D. 补偿贸易带有信贷性质 E. 补偿贸易就是一种技术贸易 [判断题]扑救猛烈燃烧的钢结构建筑火灾时,不得内攻,保持钢结构墙体稳定,不得随意拆除或用直流水柱冲击墙体,防止墙体因受力平衡改变而发生坍塌。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]由于承包人擅自暂停施工增加的费用和(或)工期延误由承包人承担。( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]带电作业工器具在运输中的注意事项有( )。
A.应装在专用工具袋、工具箱内 B.应放在绝缘斗臂车的绝缘斗内 C.应存放在专用的工具车内 D.应放在绝缘斗臂车的车厢内。 [单选题]三端集成稳压电路W7805,其输出电压为( )V。
A.+5 B.-5 C.7 D.8 我来回答: 提交