Most of us have seen a dog staring at,
sometimes snarling at, and approaching a reflection of itself. For most animals,
seeing their own image in a mirror acts as a social stimulus. But does the dog
recognize itself, or does the reflection simply signal a potential companion or
threat This question is interesting for a number of masons. Apart from
curiosity about the level of animals’ understanding, research on serf-
recognition in animals has several benefits. It provides some insight into the
evolutionary significance of this skill of serf-recognition and into the level
and kinds of cognitive competence that the skill requires. Such research also
indicates the kinds of learning experiences that determine the development of
self-recognition. In addition, work with animals fosters the use of techniques
that are not dependent on verbal re A. nearly all animals have some self-concept B. nearly all animals have no serf-concept C. nearly all animals have an awareness of the uses of mirrors D. nearly all animals have a fear of mirrors [单选题](2016年)下列属于监管基金活动的部门规章和规范性文件的是()。
A.《基金经理注册登记规则》 B.《证券投资基金管理公司管理办法》 C.《公开募集证券投资基金销售公平竞争行为规范》 D.《基金从业人员证券投资管理指引(试行)》 [单选题]GMC-96x型线路打磨列车打磨小车导向柱通过( )条螺栓与摇架相连。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]集装件装载要考虑旅客旅行需求,一节车厢内大件行李存放处和最后一排座椅后空档处应预留不少于( )的空间供旅客使用。
A.二分之一 B.三分之一 C.四分之一 D.三分之二 [单项选择]
"Welcome to the U.S.A.! Major credit cards are accepted!" By the millions they are coming no longer the tired, the poor, the wretched masses longing for a better living. These are the wealthy. "We don’t have a budget," says a biologist from Brazil, as she walks with two companions through New York City’s South Street. "We just use our credit cards." [单选题]中间检查过程中,应注意现场( ),掌握带电设备的位置,与带电设备保持足够安全距离,注意不要误碰、误动、误登运行设备。不得进行与中间检查无关的工作。
A.隔离措施 B.安全围栏 C.明显标示 D.警示标识 [多选题]学前教育活动评价的原则:
A.尊重性原则 B.辩证性原则 C.科学性原则 D.多元化原则 [单项选择]患者出院后的护理工作下列哪一项是错误的()。
A. 铺好备用床,准备迎接新患者 B. 注销各种卡片 C. 按要求整理病历,由病区保存 D. 填写出院患者登记本 E. 处理床单位 [单项选择]某制药厂(一般纳税人)主要生产各类药品,2008年4月至5月发生如下经济业务:
(1)4月份销售应税药品,收到货款20000元(含税),由本厂运输部门运输,收到运费3400元;其中建设基金1200元,装卸费300元。 (2)4月份外购生产用材料取得增值税专用发票注明税金8500元,已验收入库。支付运费1200元(有货票),其中建设基金100元,装卸费200元,运费900元。 (3)5月份销售免税药品一批,价款150000元(不含税),动用外购原材料成本28000元。 其中含购货运费930元(有货票),另支付运输公司运输免税药品的运费700元(有货票)。 (4)5月份销售应税药品100万元(不含税)。 (5)5月份外购应税产品包装物取得增值税专用发票上注明税款5000元,支付产品说明书加工费2000元,取得专用发票上注明税款340元。 根据上述资料回答下列问题: 4月份应纳增值额是( )。 A. -5100元 B. -5107元 C. -5170元 D. -5163元 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Vibrating Rubber Celiphones
Vibrating rubber celiphones could be the next big thing in mobile communications.They allow people to press the phone to transmit vibrations along with their______(51)words.According to a research team at the MIT Media Lab in Cambridge,Massachusetts,the idea will make______ (52)more fun. Many mobile phones can already vibrate instead of ringing______(53)you do not want people to know you are getting a call. "But these______ (54) are too simple for subtle(敏感的) communication".______(55)Angela Chang of the lab's Tangible Media Group."They're either on or off,"she says. But when you hold Chang's rubber cellphone your fingers and thumb wrap around five ______(56)speakers. They vibrate______(57)your skin around 250 times per second.Beneath these speakers sit pressure sensors(传感器),so you can transmit vibration as well as ______(58)it. When you squeeze with a finger,a vibration signal is transmitted______(59) your caller's corresponding finger,its speed______(60)on how hard you squeeze. Chang says that within a few minutes of being given the phones,students were using the vibration feature to______(61)emphasis to what they were saying. Over time,people even began to transmit their own kind of ad hoc(特别的)" Morse code " , which they would repeat back to show they were______(62)what the other person was saying. Chang thinks"vibralanguages"could function for the same______(63)as texting:sometimes people want to communicate______(64)without everyone nearby knowing what they're saying."And______(65)actually being able to shake someone's hand when you close a business deal,"she says. _________(55) A.answers B.says C.interrupts D.tells [判断题]施工后需进行设备试验的施工可以异地销点。对于需在异地销点的施工,应在施工计划申报时注明。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题] 调度员
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )GB150《钢制压力容器》标准规定;焊后热处理保温时,加热区内最高温度与最低温度之差不宜超过65℃
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]截至2011年底,南航拥有超过1300万会员、里程累积机会最多、增值最快的常旅客俱乐部——______。
A.明珠俱乐部 B.知音俱乐部 C.金翔俱乐部 D.翡翠俱乐部 我来回答: 提交