The idea that people might be chosen or rejected for jobs on the basis of their genes disturbs many. Such (1) may, however, be a step (2) , thanks to work just published in Current Biology by Derk-Jan Dijk and his colleagues at the University of Surrey, in England. Dr. Dijk studies the biology of time-keeping—in particular of the part of the internal body-clock that (3) people to sleep and wakes them up. One of the genes involved in (4) this clock is known as PER3 and (5) in two forms. Dr. Dijk’s work (6) that one of these forms is more conducive to night-shift work than the other.
The two forms of PER3 (7) into two slightly different proteins, one of which is longer than the other. (8) work by this group showed that people with two short versions of the gene are more likely to be "owls", (9) to get up late and go to bed late. "Larks"— (10) , early
A. separate
B. translate
C. freight
D. integrate
Large modem cities are too big to
control. They impose their own living conditions on the people who live in them.
Citizens are obliged by their surroundings to take a wholly unnatural way of
life. They lose touch with the land and rhythm (节奏) of nature. It is possible to
live in such air-conditioned (装有空调的) houses in a large city that you can hardly
know the seasons. A few flowers in a public park (if you have the time to visit
it) may make you remember that it is spring or summer. A A. large modem cities are too big to control B. citizens are obliged to take a wholly unnatural way of life C. the sun was hidden by tall buildings D. the noise made by cars, buses and trucks never stops [简答题]什么是成本预算?
A.A.血液系统 B.B.神经系统 C.C.免疫系统 D.D.循环系统 E.略 F.略 [多项选择]下列腹部闭合性损伤的手术探查指征,正确的是
A. 全身情况恶化 B. 血压有下降趋势 C. X线示膈下游离气体 D. 肠鸣音消失及腹胀 [单选题]优化业扩配套电网项目管理流程,省公司依据各级单位业扩配套电网项目分解执行情况,( )调整项目包规模。
A.定期 B.动态 C.不定期 D.每季度 [单选题]关于感觉皮层代表区的叙述,下列哪一项是错误的
A.体表感觉区在中央后回 B.本体感觉区在中央前回 C.视觉代表区在枕叶 D.内脏感觉的投射区在额叶 [单选题]下列不属于搜身的基本方法是()。
A.翻撩法 B.掏取法 C.拽拉法 D.拍打法 [填空题]整个棉纤维的形成过程可分为三个时期:1、伸长期;2、加厚期;3、()期.
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]托运人在发站要求变更行李、包裹的到站时,车站应在行李票、包裹票旅客页和报销页上注明(),更正到站站名及收货人单位、姓名、加盖站名戳,注明日期,交给托运人。
A.“取消托运” B.“到站补收运费差额” C.“变更到××站” D.“到站重新计算费用” [多选题]浇制混凝土使用振捣器的振捣方法时,应快插慢拔,插点选择要(____),达到均匀振实。
A.均匀排列 B.逐点移动 C.顺序进行 D.不得遗漏 [单选题]第三届海峡两岸学生棒球联赛总决赛12月7日在( )开幕。
A.浙江乌镇 B.湖北武汉 C.广东深圳 D.福建福州 [单选题]从事特种作业人员必须年满多少周岁( )?
A. 18岁 B. 20岁 C. 222岁 [单项选择]对于限制出口货物管理,国家规定有数量限制的出口货物,实行( )。
A. 配额管理 B. 许可证件管理 C. 自动出口管理 D. 禁止出口管理 [单项选择]视野大小与船舶速度的大小成(),船舶速度越(),视野越()。
A. 反比;快;小 B. 反比;快;大 C. 正比;慢;小 D. 正比;慢;大 [单选题]通信广播系统由()子系统组成。
A.车站广播子系统.车辆段广播子系统.停车场广播子系统 B.中心广播.车站广播子系统.车辆段广播子系统 C.中心广播.车站广播子系统.停车场广播子系统 D.中心广播.车站广播子系统.车辆段广播子系统.停车场广播子系统 [单项选择]中华人民共和国16岁以上公民护照的有效期为()。
A. 5年 B. 6年 C. 7年 D. 10年 [单选题]新生儿或小婴儿使用双指按压法进行胸外心脏按压,按压的部位是
A.A:两乳头连线下正中 B.B:胸骨靠近剑突处 C.C:心尖冲动最明显处 D.D:乳头连线中点向左旁开2cm E.E:剑突下 我来回答: 提交