Floods, storms and other natural events
kill thousands of people every year. So does extreme heat. Experts say heat may
be nature’s deadliest killer. For example, extreme heat was blamed for killing
more than one hundred people in India and Pakistan in two thousand seven.
Daytime temperatures rose to more than forty-five degrees Celsius in some areas.
On June eleventh, the temperature in one desert town hit fifty-one
degrees. Experts say the total heat of a hot day or several days can affect health. Several hot days are considered a heat wave. Experts say heat waves often become dangerous when the nighttime temperature does not drop much from the highest daytime temperature. This causes great stress on the human body. Doctors say people can do many things to protect themselves from the dang A. Severe heat. B. Health problem. C. Drinking more. D. Sickness. [判断题]防冻液中的乙二醇浓度越大,冷却效果越好。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]飞行期间,打开大翼防冰电门后,大翼防冰活门()
A. 打开 B. 当两个发动机推力手柄都小于30度角时打开 C. 当两个大翼防冰管道的温度都小于限制时打开 D. 上述B和C [多项选择]第二次世界大战后,发达资本主义国家的经济发展所经历的阶段有()。
A. 战后恢复阶段 B. 快速增长阶段 C. 滞胀阶段 D. 调整阶段 E. 转变阶段 [填空题] 联系用手信号显示股道号码时,昼间右臂向上直伸,左臂下垂,表示股道开通()道。 J442
[单项选择]According to the news, the two Libyans are_______.
A. proved guilty of exploding a airplane B. brought to trial C. held in a prison in Scotland D. charged with conspiracy [判断题]道德只是人们用来评价别人和自己言行的标准和尺度,铁路职工不要太再乎。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 版港元、2010版港元的面额均为20、50、100、500、1000港元。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]某拟建工业生产项目,基础数据如下。 (1)建设投资5000万元(其中含无形资产600万元)。建设期2年,运营期8年。 (2)资金来源为银行贷款和项目资本金。贷款总额为2000万元,在建设期内每年均匀投入贷款资金1000万元。贷款年利率为10%。贷款按照等额还本、利息照付方式在项目投产后3年内还清(年末支付)。无形资产在运营期8年中,均匀摊入成本。固定资产残值为230万元,按照直线法折旧,折旧年限为8年。 (3)建设项目的资金投入、收益、成本相关数据见表3(流动资金全部由项目资本金解决)。 (4)企业所得税税率为33%,盈余公积金和公益金按照税后利润的15%提取。 表3 建设项目的资金投入、收益、成本费用表 单位:万元