Rewards{{/B}} Psychologists take opposing views of how external rewards, from warm praise to cold cash, affect motivation and creativity. Behaviorists, who study the relation between actions and their consequences, argue that rewards can improve performance at work and school. Cognitive (认识学派的) researchers, who study various aspects of mental life, maintain that rewards often destroy creativity by encouraging dependence on approval and gifts from others. The latter view has gained many supporters, especially among educators. But the careful use of small monetary (金钱的) rewards sparks creativity in grade-school children, suggesting that properly presented inducements (刺激) indeed aid inventiveness, according to a study in the June Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. A. They have no doubts about them. B. They have doubts about them. C. They approve of them. D. They avoid talking about them. [单选题]高压阀门是( )的阀门。
A.10MP≤PN<100MP B.50MP≤PN<100MP C.30MP≤PN<300MP D.20MP≤PN<200MPa [单项选择]下列各项,属月经过少痰湿证临床表现的是()
A. 经色淡,质稀 B. 胸闷呕恶 C. 小腹空坠 D. 面色青白 E. 腰膝酸软 [单项选择]由()负责,操作工人参加,对设备油池按计划清洗换油。
A. 当班操作工人 B. 班组长 C. 维修工 D. 润滑工 [判断题]二显示、三显示和多显示可以根据信号机的用途和需要指示的运行条件来设置。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]图定货物列车对数小于( )时,可连续安排施工天窗。
A.12对 B.13对 C.14对 D.15对 [简答题]
甲、乙、丙、丁四人共同出资设立A合伙企业。经全体合伙人一致同意,四人订立了合伙协议,合伙协议的部分内容如下: [单选题]对卷烟、雪茄烟生产企业卷烟销售环节的检查时,对销售渠道和结算方式一般采用( )方式。( )
A.日常监管 B.定期检查 C.数据分析对比 D.实地检查 [多项选择]人民政协是党领导的新时期爱国统一战线的重要形式,其基本职能是()。
A. 政治协商 B. 民主监督 C. 参政议政 D. 执法司法 [单项选择]黄色脂肪组织多见于()。
A. 肌腱 B. 真皮的网状层 C. 皮下组织 D. 黄韧带 E. 淋巴结 [单选题]金属材料具有一定的韧性是为了防止压力管道发生( )破坏。
A.失稳 B.爆破 C.脆性 D.蠕变 [单项选择]Every second in the United States alone, more than 250 animals are slaughtered for food, adding up to more than 8 billion animals each year. Reducing the amount of meat in one’s diet is nutritionally, environmentally, and ethically beneficial.
People who eat meat usually have weaker immune systems compared to those of vegetarians. Meat has been directly linked to diabetes, obesity, arthritis, and many other illnesses. Furthermore, meat-eaters are at a higher risk for diseases, including cancer, and they are more likely to die from these diseases. Critics say that a meatless diet does not provide enough nutrients, especially protein and iron. Actually, according to A Teen’s Guide to Going Vegetarian, by Judy Krizmanic, protein is found in almost every food, and iron appears in many vegetables. Getting enough nutrients in a meat-reduced diet should not be difficult. A 1988 study found that some of the highest pesticide residues appear in meat and eggs. Diets including more fruits an A. food will be insufficient if animals are not eaten. B. lots of food and water are consumed by cattle. C. a meat-reduced diet is environmentally beneficial. D. animals are raised for human food. [单选题]股权投资基金服务机构直接提供服务和业务的对象是( )。
A.基金管理人 B.个人或机构投资者 C.中国证券投资基金业协会 D.被投资方 [单项选择]1780精轧机F7的最快速度为:()
A. 8m/s B. 10m/s C. 12m/s D. 15m/s [判断题][T]B-B-B-002 5 1 1
DTM板是OLT系统的数字中继接口板。 A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]关于小儿身长增长规律以下哪些正确()
A. 前半年平均每月增长2.5cm B. 后半年平均每月增长1.5cm C. 第一年身长平均增加25cm D. 第二年平均增加10cm E. 2~12岁平均身高=年龄×8+85 [判断题]所有作业小车、工装、蓝色存放盒每日完工后无需推送至定置区域内。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Happiness is (21) everyone looks for. Maybe someone says that he is (22) . However, what makes him happy may not (23) for Others. And even worse, someone may spend all his (24) looking for happiness, but in vain(徒然). [多选题]低压电气工作前,应用低压验电器或测电笔检验()是否有电。
A.检修设备 B.金属外壳 C.相邻设备 D.所有可能来电的各端 E.略 F.略 [判断题]需要有关部门通过分工和协作关系的明确共同努力完成的问题是协做型问题。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]民事法律的合法性体现在( )。
A. 意思表示真实 B. 民事主体具有相应的行为能力 C. 行为的内容合法 D. 行为的形式合法 [简答题] 国家立法机关的行为不受法律约束。
A. 肝动脉 B. 肝静脉 C. 门静脉 D. 肝动脉和门静脉 E. 肝动脉和肝静脉 [简答题]基层疑问:营区安全管理是不是指导员负责抓?
管理误区:缺乏对安全工作重要性的认识,没有树立“我的安全我负责,他人安全我有责,单位安全我尽责”的安全理念和人人齐抓共管的安全氛围。 [单选题]
强心苷疗效最好的适应证是 A.肺源性心脏病引起的心衰 B.严重二尖瓣病引起的心衰 C.严重贫血引起的心衰 D.甲状腺功能亢进引起的心衰 E.高血压性心衰伴有房颤 [单项选择]为减小基牙负担,桥体设计时应考虑
A. 减小颊舌径的宽度 B. 降低桥体面宽度 C. 采用金属与树脂材料 D. 设计成卫生桥 E. 尽量扩大邻间隙 [单选题]专业分包单位严格按照安全文明施工“()”要求组织施工,并全过程动态管理。
A.A.三化 B.B.四化 C.C.五化 D.D.六化 [单选题]改按天气恶劣难以辨认信号的办法行车时,列车按( )的显示运行。当接近地面信号机时,司机应确认地面信号,遇地面信号与机车信号显示不一致时,应立即采取减速或停车措施。(技规)
A.车机联控指示 B.地面信号 C.机车信号 [判断题]行车日志可作为确认区间是否空闲的根据
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]除规范另有规定外,非水溶性甲、乙类液体固定顶储罐,当采用固定式、半固定式液上喷射泡沫灭火系统时,蛋白泡沫混合液供给强度和连续供给时间不应小于()。
A. 6.0L/min·m2、30min B. 6.0L/min·m2、40min C. 5.0L/min·m2、30min D. 5.0L/min·m2、40min [简答题]写出下列课题的计算机检索策略式1.中国转型时期城镇贫困的测度与反贫困政策评估2.新手学保护电脑稳私·防病毒·防黑客神龙工作室编著2005
A.砌筑 B.耐酸 C.防腐 D.有毒材料 我来回答: 提交