The French are the masters of "grands projets". (46)They have the cruelnes, national pride and willingness to spend that are needed for great public works. (47)The British, on the other hand are usually dismissed as too mean, troubled by regulations and lacking in vision, to build anything worthwhile. But occasionally the bulldog triumphs.
Take, for example, that grandest, of grands projets, the national library. The Bibliotheque Nationale de France. fast-tracked by President Mitterrand, was planned and built in less than a decade. With its four 80-metre-high glass towers, designed to resemble open books, the library was hailed as a wonder of design and construction when it opened in 1998. (48)Its 11 million books, protected by automatic climate control, were planned to be instantly accessible, with the help of computerised automatic loading trains running on miles of trains. All this, for FFr 8 billion (pounds 861 million), was hailed as ev
We arrived in Naples on the Sunday
night, and spent the night on the ship. The next morning we went ashore. We
weren’t leaving again till six o’clock that evening, so we had the day to see
Naples. Well, we walked around the streets a bit, and looked at this and that.
And then I wanted to see the ruins of Pompeii, of course. I saw a taxi, and we stopped it, and asked the taxi-driver to take us to Pompeii. He said something, and shook his head. We couldn’t understand what was going on. You know what taxi-drivers are alike, all over the world. Eitherit’s too far, or too close, or the wrong dis- trict, or they’re just going home to dinner, or they don’t know the place you are talking about, or they can only take you there if you pay a special rate. I tried to find out what the reason was this A. everything in Italy closes on Mondays B. there is nothing worth visiting in Italy C. taxi-drivers in all parts of the world are unbelievable D. it is unwise to speak English in Italy [判断题]年度检查指为了确保压力容器在检验周期内的安全而实施的运行过程中的在线检查,每半年至少一次。
A.乙酰胆碱 B.谷氨酸 C.去甲肾上腺素 D.多巴胺 [多选题]中国人民银行金融消费者权益保护实施办法中规定,对银行、支付机构侵害金融消费者权益重大案件负有直接责任的____、____和____,有关法律、行政法规有处罚规定的,依照其规定给予处罚;有关法律、行政法规未作处罚规定的,中国人民银行或其分支机构应当根据情形单处或者并处警告、处以五千元以上三万元以下罚款。
A.董事 B.高级管理人员 C.其他直接责任人员 D.经办人员 [单项选择]首先提出了女子生长发育和生殖规律的是( )
A. 《素问·上古天真论》 B. 《素问·腹中论》 C. 《灵枢·经水》 D. 《经效产宝》 E. 《金匮要略》 [判断题]用电流表测量负载电流时,电流表的内阻相应比负载电阻大得多。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]一个容纳人数为3600人的剧院,其需要设置的疏散门个数至少为()。
A. 11 B. 12 C. 13 D. 14 [单选题](72)are specialized programs that assist you locating information on the web.
A.OS B.Browse C.DBMS D.Search engines 我来回答: 提交