Passage 3 Security is required on loans for several reasons. One of the most common is probably the borrower’s financial weakness. Such weakness may be indicated by several factors, including heavy obligations to creditors, poor management, and insufficient income. Borrowers in this financial condition can strengthen their credit by pledging certain assets. Having a secured loan may also be a psychological advantage for a bank. As long as the borrower has greater equity in the pledged assets than does the bank and the bank is in a preferred position and can foreclose in the event the loan agreement is broken, the borrower has a strong incentive to repay the obligation. The length of a loan also has a bearing on whether it will be secured. As the term of the loan lengthens, the risk of non-repayment increases. Loans for purchasing rea [填空题]心悸气短,动则尤甚,肢肿,唇绀,咳嗽痰多,甚则咯血,舌紫暗,脉沉涩,辨证属______,治以______,方用______。
A. 不得在机动车道上拦乘机动车 B. 在机动车道上不得从机动车左侧上下车 C. 开关车门不得妨碍其它车辆和行人通行 D. 乘坐摩托车可以侧向乘坐 [多选题]对发生网络安全红线问题的考核规定是()
A.直接责任人员 B.一经查实 C.给予停职处理 [单项选择]患儿,2岁。体重10kg,面色少华,大便不调,舌质淡,苔薄少,指纹淡。其证候是()
A. 疳气 B. 疳积 C. 干疳 D. 疳肿胀 E. 肺疳 [单项选择]对于3.5英寸软盘,移动滑块露出写保护孔,这时( )。
A. 只能长期保存信息,不能存取信息 B. 能安全地存取信息 C. 只能读取信息,不能写入信息 D. 只能写入信息,不能读取信息 [单选题]1号线车辆段钢轨电位限制装置1段保护定值是()
A.60 B.80 C.90 D.120 [单项选择]电焊机一次侧电源线的长度不应大于()。
A. 3m B. 5m C. 10m D. 15m 我来回答: 提交