Since there is such an abundance of
food in the sea, it is understandable that some of the efficient, highly
adaptable, warm-blooded mammals that {{U}} (67) {{/U}} on land should
have returned to the sea. Those that {{U}} (68) {{/U}} have flourished.
Within about 50 million years--{{U}} (69) {{/U}} time at all,
geologically speaking--one of the four kinds of mammals that has {{U}} (70)
{{/U}} to a marine environment has developed into the largest of all animal
{{U}} (71) {{/U}}, the whale. A second kind, the seal, has produced what
is probably the greatest population of large carnivorous mammals on
Earth. This suggests that these "top dogs" of the ocean are {{U}} (72) {{/U}} and multiplying. {{U}} (73) {{/U}}, such has not been the case, at ieast not for the last 150 years. Trouble has closed in {{U}} (74) {{/U}} these mammals in t A. positioned B. situated C. located D. pointed [判断题]伤寒病人并发肠出血,可使用药
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]动车组辅助电气设备包括各种风机、空调系统、________及各种服务性电气设备。
A.车顶高压 B.车下通风 C.车厢照明 D.车端连接 [判断题]台区下用户表计发生超容用电,实际发生电量不计入统计,造成用电量少计,台区呈现负损情况。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]非矿区火力发电厂煤炭储备量经常不低于()天耗用量。
A. 6~12; B. 3~5; C. 15~20; D. 20天以上。 [简答题]《国家电网有限公司供电服务事件应急预案》中规定,出现哪些情况之一的可视为四级预警?
[单选题]下列关于规划实施管理的表述,错误的是( )。
A.对于以划拨方式提供国有土地使用权的建设项目,建设单位在报送有关部门批准或核准前,应当向城乡规划主管部门申请核发选址意见书 B.以出让方式提供国有土地使用权的建设项目,城乡规划主管部门应当依据控制性详细规划提出规划条件 C.在乡村规划区内进行建设确需占用农用地的,应当先办理乡村建设规划许可证再办理农用地转用手续 D.在城市规划区内进行建设的,必须先办理建设用地规划许可证,再办理土地审批手续 [多项选择]按照凯恩斯的观点,人们需求货币,是出于()。
A. 交易动机 B. 谨慎动机 C. 不想获得利息 D. 投机动机 [判断题]消防安全钩应定期按45000牛工作拉力作载荷检查。( )(易)4
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]