When television first began to expand,
very few of the people who had become famous as radio commentators (31)
effective on television. Some of the difficulties they experienced
when they were trying to (32) themselves to the new medium
(33) When working (34) radio for
example, they had become (35) to seeing on behalf of the
listener. This art of seeing for others means that the commentator had to be
very good at taling. (36) all he has to be able to create a
continuous sequence of visual images which add meaning to the sounds which the
listener hears. In the case of television, however, the commentator sees
everything with the viewer. His role, (37) is completely
different. He is there to make sure that the viewer does not miss some point of
interest, to help him focus on particular things, and A. exhibit B. demonstrate C. expose D. interpret [单选题]新建的电气化铁路在接触网接电的( )日前,铁路局要把接电日期用书面通知铁路内外各有关单位。
A.10 B.15 C.20 D.30 [判断题]消火栓箱箱门开启角度不应小于150°。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )水泥混凝土路面、沥青稳定碎石基层或旧沥青路面层上加铺沥青层宜喷洒透层油。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 在正常运行时候,接入负序电流继电器的电流互感器的一相断线,当负荷电流的数值达到3倍负序电流的整定值时,负序电流继电器才动作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1865.血糖降低时,脑仍能摄取葡萄糖而肝不能,是因为
A.A.脑细胞膜葡萄糖载体易将葡萄糖转运入细胞 B.B.脑己糖激酶的Km值低 C.C.肝葡萄糖激酶的Km值低 D.D.葡萄糖激酶具有特异性 E.E.血脑屏障在血糖低时不起作用 [简答题]简述双子叶植物花和禾本科植物小穗的组成。
某安装公司中标一机床厂的钢结构厂房制作安装及机电安装工程、编制质量预控措施时安装公司重点抓住工序质量控制,除设置质量控制点外,还认真地进行工序分析,即严格按照第一部书面分析,第二部试验核实,第三步制定标准的三个步骤,并分别采用各自的分析控制方法,从而有效地控制了工程施工质量。 [判断题]一套完整的调查问卷,通常包括标题、要求、指导语和问题四部分。
A. 丞相 B. 知州 C. 枢密使 D. 通判 [单项选择]筒体衬作用是()
A. 易挂窑皮 B. 防止筒体磨损 C. 保护筒体 [单选题]关于公共物品的说法,正确的是( )。
A.公共财政的理论基础是“公共物品”和“市场失灵”理论 B.居民不付费便不能享用公共物品 C.随着消费者数量的增加,公共物品的边际成本逐渐下降 D.政府提供公共物品应以不亏本为前提 我来回答: 提交