A—abbreviated dialing code
B—off-peak hours
C—charging period
D—access code
E—identity number
F—video conference
G—operational status
H—information subscription service
I—Network User Address
J—audio signal
K—local user terminal
L—file management
M—response signal
N—operating instructions
O—change of the battery unit
P—function indicator
Q—entry rejected
R—external control
Freedom is one of the most difficult
things to define, yet wars are fought to secure it. Pres. George W. Bush wants
freedom for the entire world, but the question remains whether some might not
want it and, if they do, cannot handle it. Many desire to be "free of their
freedom," for the latter requires assuming responsibility for one’s actions. It
is easier to have others choose for us. Freedom has many meanings arid applications. There is political freedom, involving the ability to choose one’s own form of government, hold elections, etc. Professors are concerned with academic freedom, namely to teach and publish in accord with their scholarly findings. These, though, are secondary meanings and presumably are grounded in something fundamental to the nature of humans. This is called moral freedom—but there’s the rub of it. Is such fr A. Alcoholics abstain from alcohol because they know it is harmful to their health. B. Someone who repeatedly washes his hands because he believes that they are dirty. C. While thinking, many children put their forefinger into their mouth without knowing it. D. Some drag addicts pick up their habit again soon after being off it under the help of others. [单选题]【变电安规】电流表、电流互感器及其他测量仪表的接线和拆卸,需要断开( )者,应将此回路所连接的设备和仪器全部停电后,始能进行。
A.低压回路 B.高压回路 C.控制回路 D.二次回路 [单项选择]门诊咨询时,医生发现患者说话语句清楚,推理混乱。如说:“生物进化是从单细胞到多细胞,从植物到动物。植物和动物是我们的祖先。我吃饭和吃菜就是对祖先的不孝。”这种症状叫( )。
A. 语词新作 B. 病理性象征性思维 C. 逻辑倒错性思维 D. 关系妄想 [多项选择]按政府预算编制的结构分类,政府预算可以分为()。
A. 单式预算 B. 零基预算 C. 复式预算 D. 基数预算 E. 绩效预算 [单选题]火灾危险性很大,发生火灾时后果很严重的部位或场所是()动火区。
A.三级 B.二级 C.一级 D.重点 [判断题]幼儿园保教队伍的建设是一个短期的工作。
A. 副乳腺 B. 单纯性腺病 C. 脂肪瘤 D. 腺脂肪瘤 E. 腺病瘤 我来回答: 提交