When it comes to the slowing economy,
Ellen Spero isn’t biting her nails just yet. But the 47-year-old manicurist
isn’t cutting, filling or polishing as many nails as she’d like to, either. Most
of her clients spend $12 to $ 50 weekly, but last month two longtime customers
suddenly stopped showing up. Spero blames the softening economy. "I’m a good
economic indicator," She says. "I provide a service that people can do without
when they’re concerned about saving some dollars. " So Spero is downscaling,
shopping at middle-brow Dillard’s department store near her suburban Cleveland
home, instead of Neiman Marcus. "I don’t know if other clients are going to
abandon me, too," she says. Even before Alan Greenspan’s admission that America’s red-hot economy is cooling, lots of working folks had already seen signs of the slowdown themselve A. gold market B. real estate C. stock exchange D. venture investment [单项选择]用HVL表示射线能量质的为()。
A. 医用加速器的X射线 B. 医用加速器的电子射线 C. 钴-60远距离治疗机 D. 钴-60近距离治疗机 E. kV级X治疗机 [单选题]下列文学人物形象出现于唐代的是()。
A.崔莺莺 B.窦娥 C.史湘云 D.霍小玉 [单选题] 公共生活是相对于私人生活而言的,具有鲜明的( ),对社会的影响更为直接和广泛。
A.封闭性和隐秘性 B.开放性和透明性 C.公共性和社会性 D.群体性和丰富性 [单项选择]根据《建设工程质量管理条例》,注册执业人员因过错造成质量事故的,对其处罚为()
A. 责令停止执业1年 B. 吊销执业资格证书 C. 5年内不予注册 D. 终身不予注册 [多选题] 建筑倒塌事故处置中,要首先清除障碍,开辟出( )
A. 救援休整区 B. 一块开阔地 C. 进出通道 D. 人员疏散区 E. 灵活指挥,因情施救 [填空题]Having been a student and teacher in China (at Peking and Tsinghua Universities,
respectively), I know quite a few Chinese students. Indeed,
(1)______ all of them have gone (1) ______
to the United States to (2)______ their studies. (2) ______
Like the larger body of Chinese students in the United States—totaling well over 40,000—my friends live across the vast expanse of the American continent, on both coasts and in the states in between. They have chosen fields of study ranging from environmental engineering and public policy to history and Asian studies. Yet despite the great diversity among these students in terms of their ages, backgrounds, locations,
and majors,(3)______ experiences remain. (3) ______
None are more pronounced that the inability of most Chinese students to effect
A. 视神经 B. 外展神经 C. 动眼神经 D. 滑车神经 E. 面神经 [判断题]10kV及以下三相供电的电压允许偏差为额定值的±5% 。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]旁通阀的作用是用于三通阀出现故障时,煤气()之用。
[单选题]硝酸生产中氨氧化用催化剂的载体是( )
A.SiO2 B.无 C.Fe D.Al2O3 [单项选择]病人,男性,43岁,半天来呕血3次,量约1200ml,黑便3次,伴头晕、心悸。入院查体:BP 60/40mmHg,心率160次/分,巩膜黄染,腹部膨隆,移动性浊音阳性。诊断为肝硬化食管静脉曲张破裂出血。
此病人目前最主要的护理诊断为( ) A. 恐惧 B. 营养失调 C. 有感染的危险 D. 组织灌注量不足 E. 活动无耐力 [填空题]>热锯机是按所用锯片的( )命名的。
A.电量电费 B.支付购电 C.办电申请 D.我要报修 [单项选择]剧烈太阳活动产生的太阳风吹袭地球,可能引起( )。
A. 人口迁移加快 B. 风力电厂增产 C. 生活耗能降低 D. 卫星导航失效 [单选题]今有两个标准直齿圆柱齿轮,齿轮1的模数m1=5mm.Z1=25,齿轮2的m2=3mm.Z2=40,此时它们的齿形系数
A. YFa1<YFa2 B. YFa1>YFa2 C. YFa1=YFa2 D. YFa1≤YFa2 [判断题]智慧柜员机的交易审核模式包括本地审核和PAD审核两种。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]行政强制执行的方式有() 。
A.A.划拨存款、汇款 B.B.加处罚款或者滞纳金 C.C.拍卖或者依法处理查封、扣押的场所、设施或者财物 D.D.排除妨碍、恢复原状 [单选题]银行应按照( )原则,采用科学、合理的方法对存款人进行风险评级,根据存款人身份信息核验方式及风险等级进行分类管理和动态管理。
A.了解你的客户 B.谁的钱入谁的账 C.长款归公,短款自赔 D.有借必有贷,借贷必相等 [单选题]乘务中心下设综合管理部、( )、乘务1/2/4/9/10部。
A.安全技术部 B.安全监察部 C.技术分析部 D.安全分析部 [判断题]制动隔离功能测试时,可能会导致溜车
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交