Feast on Turkey and Good Wishes at
Thanksgiving Four weeks ago US children dressed as monsters and asked for sweets. That was Halloween. In a few weeks, American houses will be red and green and filled with presents for Christmas. As if all this isn’t enough, on Thursday this week, America will enjoy another festival — Thanksgiving. Children will have two days off school, shops will close and houses will be filled with families enjoying mountains of food. Every year, in Gainesville, Florida, all entire class celebrate Thanksgiving together. The class dresses up and puts on plays for their families. After the plays the families share a feast of traditional Thanksgiving foods like turkey and pumpkin pie (南瓜派). Dean Foster, an 11-year-old boy will take part in thi A. ghosts. B. players. C. pilgrims. D. visitors. [判断题]×
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]广播系统设备工作接地电阻不大于( )Ω。
A.1 B.4 C.6 D.10 [判断题]第 697 题, 本小题 1 分
电压互感器在运行中要严防二次侧开路。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The Chinese have used a method called acupuncture (针灸) to perform operations for about 4 000 years without putting the patient to sleep. This involves placing flexible needles into certain parts of the body. The needles are available in a number of stores in China and anyone may buy them.
To learn how to use the needles takes about one month of training. But to be skillful requires greater time. The person who performs the acupuncture knows how to put in the needles so the needles themselves are not painful. This person also knows where to place the needles so the patient feels no pain in the area where the operation is to be performed. A particular operation might require 25 or more needles placed in various parts of the body. But now this operation requires only 3 or 4 needles. Today, the Chinese doctors are trying to learn more about acupuncture. They are trying to develop a convincing theory to explain how the needles work in preventing pain, or why a needle in the wrist, A. several months B. a couple of weeks C. a life time D. almost one month [单项选择]双眼注视目标时的清晰度(),则可能发生视觉习惯的颠倒性干扰。
A. 优势眼弱于辅助眼 B. 辅助眼弱于优势眼 C. 优势眼强于辅助眼 D. 优势眼同于辅助眼 [单选题]下列有关医学道德监督的叙述正确的是
A.通过制度监督来发挥惩恶扬善的宣传、导向作用 B.通过法律监督来约束医务人员职业行为 C.通过自我监督来促使医院医务、政务公开 D.通过舆论监督来充分发挥医务人员的主观能动性 E.通过社会监督来根本性提高医学道德水平 [单选题]小型打磨机打磨钢轨后,Vmax>120km/h,钢轨焊缝凹陷应小于()mm。
A.0.3 B.0.5 C.1 D.0.2 我来回答: 提交