Debate over the Use of Renewable
Energy Amusable of Rockefeller University in New York, US says the key renewable (可再生的) energy sources, including sun, wind and bibfuls, would all require vast amounts of land if developed up to large scale production—unlike nuclear power. That land would be far better{{U}} (51) {{/U}}alone, he says. Renewable look{{U}} (52) {{/U}}when they are quite small. But if we start producing renewable energy on a large{{U}} (53) {{/U}}, the fallout (结果) is going to be horrible. Amusable draws his conclusions by analyzing the amount of energy that renewable natural gas and nuclei (原子核) can{{U}} (54) {{/U}}in terms of power per square meter of land used. Moreover, he claims that{{U}} (55) {{/U}}renewable energy use in A. force B. volume C. control D. power [简答题]简述调整点火正时的步骤。
某投保人,现年20岁,购买了一份两全保险。如采用以下4种缴费方式,则25岁时的保单现金价值从大到小排序依次是() A. ①②③④ B. ④③②① C. ②③④① D. ③④①② [简答题]卡托普利治疗充血性心力衰竭时不具有的特点是
[单选题] 车站值班员或助理值班员发车前,眼看手指出站信号,确认信号开放正确,口呼:( )。
A.“×道信号好(了)” B.“×道出站信号好(了)” C.“出站信号好(了)” D.“×道发车信号好(了)” [简答题]阿联酋最大的酋长国叫什么?
A.一枝红杏出墙来———向性运动 B.花褪残红青杏小———无性繁殖 C.明日黄花蝶也愁———植物的光周期现象 D.一行白鹭上青天———动物的群聚现象 [填空题]根据道路在城市中的地位、交通特征和功能可分为城市主干道、()、专用道。
[单选题]真空盒密封润滑水量m3/h( )
A.6~8m3/h B.7~8m3/h C.6~9m3/h D.7~9m3/h [判断题]监护操作时.应由对设备较为熟悉者作操作人。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交