Do you find getting up in the morning so difficult
that it’s painful This might be called laziness, but Dr. Kleitman has a new
explanation. He has proved everyone has a daily energy cycle. During the hours when you labor through your work you may say that you’re "hot. "That’s true. The time of day when you feel most energetic is when your cycle of body tem-perature is at its peak (顶峰). For some people, the peak comes during the forenoon. For others it comes in the afternoon or evening. No one has discovered why this is so, but it leads to such familiar monologues (自言自语) as: "Get up, John. You’ll be late for work again. " The possible explanation to the trouble is that John is at his temperature-an-ener-gy peak in the evening. (80) {{U}}Much family quarrelling A. he refuses to follow his own energy cycle B. he is a lazy person C. he is not sure when his energy is low D. he is at his peak in the afternoon or evening [单选题]患者,35岁,行剖宫产术,术前准备作留置导尿,护士在操作时应该为患者安置的体位是
A.右侧卧位 B.头低脚高位 C.去枕仰卧位 D.膝胸位 E.屈膝仰卧位 [判断题]天窗时间原则上按图定时间安排。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]准噶尔煤田在我国哪个自治区?
[单项选择]I am ashamed m begin with saying that Touraine is the garden of France; that remark has long ago lost its bloom. The town of Tours, however, has something sweet and bright, which suggests that it is surrounded by a land of fruits. It is a very agreeable little city; few towns of its size are more ripe, mom complete, or, I should suppose, in better humor with themselves and less disposed to envy the responsibilities of bigger places. It is truly the capital of its smiling province; a region of easy abundance, of good living, of genial, comfortable, optimistic, rather indolent opinions. Balzac says in one of his tales that the real Tourangeau will not make an effort, or displace himself even, to go in search of a pleasure; and it is not difficult to understand the sources of this amiable cynicism. He must have a vague conviction that he can only lose by almost any change. Fortune has been kind to him: he ryes in a temperate, reasonable, sociable climate, on the banks, of a river which, i
A. Touraine is an area frequently devastated by floods B. Touraine is surrounded by a land of fruits C. the peasantry here are worse off than in most other parts of France D. the peasantry here are more conservative [单选题]使用钢锯裁截漏缆时应注意切割面是整个从( )处平分锯开,若开锯效果不好需重锯。漏缆裁截后,必须用铜刷细致清扫,将杂质清除干净。
A.漏缆波谷 B.漏缆波峰 C.漏缆 D.任意 [判断题]成套接地线宜存放在专用架上,架上的编号与接地线的编号应一致。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]《劳动争议调解仲裁法》关于劳动争议处理制度有哪些新规定?
[单选题]独立运营线路间联络线行车适用的基本闭塞法为( )。
A. 站间自动闭塞法 B. 速防护自动闭塞法 C. 电话闭塞法 D. 进路闭塞法 [单选题]关于可缩性支架的特点,说法错误的是()。
A.它可用在围岩变形大的井巷地段 B.它适用于地压大的地方 C.它可以避免支架因为压力大而受损 D.它会造成断面缩小而用于小断面井巷 [单选题]轨道车及接触网作业车排障器调节板下缘距轨道上平面的距离为( )mm。
A.85~120 B.90~130 C.100~140 D.110~150 [单项选择]识别团队的尺度是什么()
A. 生产力和士气 B. 生产力和产品值 C. 劳动力和生产力 D. 素质和能力 [判断题]当持卡人在选择以电子现金交易支付时,POS提示持卡人请输入密码说明持卡人电子现金账户余额不足。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 矮柱信号机外透镜应()无影响显示的斑点。 (1分)
A.清洁 B.无裂纹 C.不活动 D.不漏水 [单选题]电气设备由一种工作状态转换到另一种工作状态,或改变电气一次系统运行方式所进行的操作称为()。
A.调度操作 B.倒闸操作 C.转换操作 [单项选择]不能与磁石配伍的药品是()
A. 氨苄青霉素 B. 维生素C C. 阿司匹林 D. 洋地黄 E. 维生素B1 [不定项选择题]A.高脂肪餐
A.无脂低蛋白高糖餐 B.口服造影剂 C.低蛋白低脂肪餐 D.禁食 E.第一次拍片显影良好后,可进 我来回答: 提交