{{B}}Bees and Color{{/B}} On our table in the garden we put a blue card, and all around this blue card we put a number of different gray cards. These gray cards are of all possible shades of gray land include white and black. On each card a watch-glass is placed. The watch-glass on the blue card has some syrup (果汁) in it; all the others are empty. After a short time bees find the syrup, and they come for it again and again. Then, after some hours, we take away the watch-glass of syrup which was on the blue card and put an empty one in its place. Now what do the bees do They still go straight to the blue card, although there is no syrup them. They do not go to any of the gray cards, in spite of the fact that one of the gray cards is of exacfiy the same brightness as the blue ca [多选题]屏柜内( )应用截面积不小于4mm2的多股铜线与屏柜下部截面积不小于100mm2的铜排相连。
A.所有装置的接地端 B.电缆屏蔽层 C.交流电源中性线 D.屏柜门体的接地端 [单选题]根据《公路路基路面现场测试规程》JTG3450-2019,承载板测定土基回弹模量试验,在加载过 程中,当每次加载至预定荷载后,应稳定( )min。
A.5 B.3 C.2 D.1 [单项选择]高张溶液多用于休克、多发性外伤等急症危重病人的复苏,其安全有效剂量为()
A. 1~2ml/kg B. 3~4ml/kg C. 5~6ml/kg D. 6~8ml/kg E. 8~10ml/kg [单项选择]有关脊柱结核好发的原因,哪项不正确()
A. 负重量大 B. 活动多 C. 松质骨多 D. 血运丰富 E. 脊椎数量多 [单项选择]
{{B}}TEXT A{{/B}} When you choose a freezer, remember it’s probably going to be with you for a long time. No single style or size is best, so it’s important to know which freezer is right for your needs. First, decide if you want an upright or chest model. Uprights are more convenient. Their storage space is more accessible and they take up less floor area. However. chest models are more energy-efficient because less cold air escapes when they are open. If you’re buying an upright, you’ll have to choose between frostless or manual defrost. Chest freezers are always {{U}}manual{{/U}}. Frostless freezers automatically defrost at preset intervals and remove the water. Manual models must be defrosted by hand every few months or whenever frost accumulates to about a quarter of an inch. To help your freezer reach a ripe old age, try to find a spot that’s cool, dry, and away from drafts. Drafts and heat will raise t A. Humidity. B. Proper care. C. The amount of storage. D. Surrounding temperature. [判断题]出站信号机的色灯复示信号机无显示时表示出站信号机显示红灯。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]行政处分分为:警告、记过、记大过、降级、免职。
A. 棘轮 B. 机架 C. 棘爪 D. 止回棘爪 [多选题] 热电公司要求听证的,可以:
A.在县环保局告知后三日内提出 B.法定代表人可以亲自参加听证 C.委托一至二人代理听证 D.进行申辩和质证 [简答题]赵保瑞有两子,1996年3月2日,赵保瑞与儿子赵港祺订立了遗赠抚养协议,双方约定,由赵港祺承担赵保瑞的生死养葬义务,赵保瑞则将其遗产全部赠与赵港祺。但不久,赵保瑞和赵港祺发生矛盾,便搬回自己家中。1996年7月17日赵保瑞由于同村村民王一名签订了遗赠抚养协议,也作出了同样的约定。王一名按照协议约定一直照顾赵保瑞直到其死亡,丧葬费用也是由其承担的。问:赵保瑞和赵港祺之间订立的遗赠抚养协议是否有效?
A.21 B.30 C.46 D.47 [单项选择]中国唐朝初期,()的出现,进一步推动了图形设计的发展和风格演变。
A. 雕版印刷 B. 活字印刷 C. 木刻版印刷 D. 石板印刷术 [单项选择]
下面情形中容易导致食物中毒的有() A. ①② B. ②③ C. ③④ D. ①④ [单项选择]在临终病人的护理过程中,首要的护理道德责任是( )
A. 进行抢救治疗与护理 B. 开展心理护理 C. 帮助病人消解疼痛和其他痛苦 D. 保持病房安静、清洁、色调温暖等 [多项选择]胫骨髁骨折治疗时应力求达到
A. 恢复伸膝功能 B. 恢复小腿长度 C. 恢复下肢的正常生理轴线 D. 恢复小腿的负重功能 E. 恢复关节面完整 [单项选择]3位铡链上含有1-甲基四唑基()
A. 甲硝唑 B. 枸橼酸乙胺嗪 C. 枸橼酸哌嗪 D. 奎宁 E. 吡喹酮 [单项选择]To make up an objective test, the teacher writes a series of questions, ______ has only one correct answer.
A. some of which B. which C. each of which D. that 我来回答: 提交