Motorways are, no doubt the safest
roads in Britain. Mile (41) mile, vehicle for vehicle, you
axe much (42) likely to be killed or seriously injured than
on an ordinary road. On (43) hand, if you do have a serious
accident on a motorway, fatalities are much more likely to (44)
than in a comparable accident (45) on the
roads. Motorways have no (46) bends, no roundabouts or traffic lights and (47) speeds are much greater than on other roads. Though the 70 mph limit is (48) in force, it is often treated with the contempt A. pointed B. steep C. vertical D. sharp [单选题]在通货膨胀时期,中央银行可以运用下列( )货币政策工具来稳定经济状况。
A.出售政府债券 B.降低银行准备金要求 C.降低银行贴现率 D.鼓励国会提高税率 [多选题]新中国在20世纪50年代的主要外交活动有( )。
A.提出和平共处五项原则 B.参加日内瓦国际会议. C.参加万隆会议 D.提出“三个世界”的理论 [单选题]矿井通风系统图必须标明( )的安装地点。
A.A、风流方向、避灾路线、防尘设施 B.B、风流方向、风量、通风设施 C.C、避灾路线、通风设施、防尘设施 D.D、风流方向、监测探头、通风设施 [单项选择]白芍的断面特征()
A. 纤维性 B. 角质状 C. 颗粒状 D. 粉性 E. 层状纤维状 [单选题]甲与乙发生口角后,甲声称要把乙杀死,并去商店买了一把匕首,乙怕甲杀死自己,就在甲从商店回来的路上,用猎枪打死了甲,乙的行为属于____
A.正当防卫 B.故意犯罪 C.紧急避险 D.防卫过当 [单项选择]自律性房性心动过速心电图表现除了()。
A. P波形态多样 B. 心房率常为150~200次/分 C. 常出现二度房室传导阻滞 D. P波之间的等电位线存在 E. P波形态与窦性者不伺 [判断题]单人巡线时,可以攀登电杆和铁塔。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]I’ve heard that the musical group will set off for Hong Kong to give a three-day ( perform ) ________.
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