单位:元 | ||||
年度 | 2009年 | 2010年 | 2011年 | 合计 |
发生的成本 | 67500 | 90000 | 22500 | 180000 |
Three men got to Dover station a few
minutes after nine o’clock one evening. They asked a guard, "What time is the
next train for London " The guard said, "You’ve just missed one. A train goes every hour. The next one is at ten o’clock.: "That’s all right," they said, "We’ll go and have a drink." So off they went to a bar (酒吧间). A minute or two after ten o’clock they came running and asked the guard, "Has the train gone " "Yes," the guard said. "It went at ten, as I told you. The next one is at eleven o’clock." "That’s all right," they said again. "We’ll go and have another drink." So they went back to the bar. They missed the eleven o’clock train in the same way. Then the guard said, "Now, the next train is the last one. If you miss that train, you won’t get to Lon A. once B. twice C. three times D. four times [单项选择]Is College a Worthy Investment
A) Why are we spending so much money on college And why are we so unhappy about it We all seem to agree that a college education is wonderful, and yet strangely we worry when we see families investing so much in this supposedly essential good. Maybe it’s time to ask a question that seems almost sacrilegious (大不敬的): is all this investment in college education really worth it
B)The answer, I fear, is no. For an increasing number of kids, the extra time and money spent pursuing a college diploma will leave them worse off than they were before they set foot on campus.
C)For my entire adult life, a good education has been the most important thing for middle-class households. My parents spent more educating my sister and me than they spent on their house, and they’re not the only ones... and, of course, for an increasing number of families, most of the cost of their house is actually the cost of living in a good school district. Questioning t
[多项选择]下列属于经济法律关系客体内容新规定的经济活动的是( )的行为。
A. 经济管理 B. 转移财产 C. 限制流通物品 D. 完成工作 E. 提供劳务 [多项选择]企业征信系统中,综合授信担保项下存在多个主业务发生,担保信息应该随不同主业务多次上报,其()要保持一致。
A. 担保合同号 B. 担保金额 C. 担保合同签订日期 D. 担保人名称及贷款卡编码 [判断题]空气、变压器油、SF6都可用做绝缘和灭弧介质。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]建设()劳动者大军,弘扬劳模精神和工匠精神,营造劳动光荣的社会风尚和精益求精的敬业风气。
A.知识型 B.科技型 C.技能型 D.创新型 [判断题]危险源辨识范围应包括工艺、设备、管理、人员等变更。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]锅炉过热蒸汽出口额定温度是多少( )
A.566℃ B.570℃ C.571℃ D.569℃ [单项选择]I stopped ______ in London when I realised it was time for me to move on.
A. live B. lived C. to live D. living [判断题] 停电作业是指电气设备或线路不带电的情况下所进行的电气检修工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]3.3 对音视频巡查发现的涉嫌机动车查验替检、考试作弊、满分审验教育替学、为明显不合格机动车通过查验、为明显不合格考生通过考试、为未参加满分审验教育驾驶人违规办理业务等严重违法违规问题,当日通报业务部门核查处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]按可燃物的类型和燃烧特性,《火灾分类》(GB/4968)将火灾分为6类,其中“D类火灾”是指( )。
A.液体火灾 B.金属火灾 C.气体火灾 我来回答: 提交