American culture has been enriched by
the values and belief systems of virtually every part of the world. The one value that nearly every American would agree upon is individual freedom. Whether you call it individual freedom, individualism, or {{U}} (62) {{/U}}, it is the cornerstone of American values. It permeates every {{U}} (63) {{/U}} of their society. {{U}} (64) {{/U}} their economic system may be dominated by large corporations, the majority of American businesses are small, and many are owned by an indivi A. pessimism B. passion C. optimism D. suspicion [判断题]起吊电杆等长物件应选择悬挂方便的吊点,并采取防止突然倾倒的措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下是机车、车辆的基本阻力的为( )。112T476
A.坡道阻力 B.空气阻力 C.曲线阻力 [单选题]人民法院应当在立案之日起内对该案作出一审判决?
A.1个月之内 B.2个月之内 C.6个月之内 D.4个月之内 [判断题]生产经营单位未对安全设备进行经常性维护、保养和定期检测的,责令限期改正,可以处五万元以下的罚款;逾期未改正的,处五万元以上二十万元以下的罚款,其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员处一万元以上二万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,责令停产停业整顿。
A.应当接受疾病预防控制机构或者出入境检验检疫机构的流行病学调查和指导 B.应当为艾滋病病人提供艾滋病防治咨询、诊断和治疗服务 C.向接受艾滋病咨询、检测的人员免费提供咨询和初筛检测 D.应当按照属地管理的原则,对艾滋病病人进行医学随访 E.应当对采集的人体血浆进行艾滋病检测 [单项选择]当引气剂与减水剂或高效剂等外加剂复配在同一水溶液中时,不得发生( )。
A. 初缝 B. 混凝 C. 复凝 D. 絮凝 [单选题]根据《变电安规》,触电急救,在医务人员( )前,不得放弃现场抢救,更不能只根据没有呼吸或脉搏的表现,擅自判定伤员死亡,放弃抢救。
A.未到达 B.未接替救治 C.作出死亡诊断 D.判断呼吸或脉搏表现 [单项选择]在库存管理中,体现“抓住关键少数”、“突出重点”原则的库存成本控制方法是( )。
A. ABC法 B. JIT法 C. MRP法 D. ERP法 [单项选择]Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on your answer sheet.
Today, the world wide web can be used both to (31) information and to make it (32) to others. Information (33) on webpages is viewed by (34) of browser. The sources of information linked in this way can be located on any computer (35) is also part of the web. Each information source (36) to an indefinite number of other webpages. Hypertext and hyperlinks allow users acting as receivers of information to (37) from one source of information to another, (38) for themselves which information they wish to (39) to their browser and which links they want to (40) The addresses of webpages can be found by using the many hundreds of general and specialized search engines which provide (41) to da A. success B. access C. assess D. possess [填空题] 厂库房火灾扑救火势不大、具备内攻条件时,应选择在承重墙、柱下方且无货物堆垛处设置( )。
A. 原积分转移交易的转出卡号 B. 原积分转移交易的转入卡号 C. 原积分转移交易的经办人 D. 原积分转移交易的交易流水号 [单选题]社区民警小张在国家禁毒日临近之时,准备在辖区开展禁毒宣传活动,下列活动方案中不恰当的是:()
A.举办有关毒品危害的专题讲座 B.制作并摆放毒品种类知识展板 C.在橱窗中公布辖区吸毒人员案例起到警示作用 D.到辖区学校开展禁毒宣传讲座 [单项选择]患者,男,55岁,因砖头砸伤右侧头顶部,后出现昏迷,CT检查示:右侧脑顶叶内高密度影。应首先考虑的诊断是()。
A. 脑内血肿 B. 硬膜外血肿 C. 硬膜下血肿 D. 蛛网膜下腔出血 E. 脑干出血 [单选题]限制进口的货物目录,应当至少在实施前( )天公布;在紧急情况下,应当不迟于实施之日公布。
A.10 B.20 C.21 D.30 我来回答: 提交