One of the most pressing problems regarding the sea today concerns not its resources, but its conservation. There are limits to the amount of waste that can be absorbed by the oceans. Already, fish catches in the Baltic and the Caspian seas have decreased by 90% during the past forty years. An International Convention on the Dumping of Wastes at Sea was signed by ninety states in 1972 to restrict dumping toxic wastes beyond the continental shelves. It is not yet ratified, and even when it is, who will police it With the increasing of exploration and mining at sea, in all probability, the amount of waste will do.
Urgent research into the ecological balances of sea life and how they are affected by pollution is needed. As scientific knowledge stands now, we do not know how much damage the oceans can endure.
The oceans contain enormous resources of energy, food, and raw materials. Judiciously exploited, these resources can make a significant difference to man’s
A. the demand for them exceeds the supply
B. if they are properly used, everyone can benefit
C. anarchy will soon prevail because of the resources
D. nothing can prevent over-exploitation
Forty-thousand of the world’s young children die
every day. This is 15 million a year. Many of these deaths can be prevented. In
fact, experts say, techniques now exist to save the lives of half of these
children. The techniques are medically effective, simple to use and low cost.
The biggest task has been to inform parents about these life-saving techniques.
Diarrhea(腹泻)is the main cause of death among children in developing countries. Diarrhea results when the body tries to clear itself of harmful bacteria(细菌). The body does this by getting out liquids, sometimes uncontrollably. If too much water, sugar and salt are lost in this way, the body cannot work normally. The child may die. The United Nations International Children’s Fund, UNICEF, introduces a technique. It uses a simple mixture of sugar and salt in water. The mixt A. the life-saving ways are medically effective B. their parents are rich enough for the life-saving techniques C. the life-saving techniques are easy to use D. their parents learn the life-saving techniques [简答题]问题同上
[单选题]犬咬伤后应立即用浓肥皂水或清水冲洗伤口至少( )min,同时用挤压法自上而下将残留伤口内唾液挤出,然后再用碘酒涂搽伤口。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [多选题]为适应新时代公安机关使命任务需要,深化公安人才体制机制改革,下列关于加强我国新时代公安人才队伍建设的说法正确的有:
A.新时代公安人才队伍建设,要坚持党管干部、党管人才原则 B.新时代公安人才队伍建设,要突出实战实用实效导向 C.新时代公安人才队伍建设,要把忠于法律作为公安人才建设的首要标准 D.新时代公安人才队伍建设,要紧扣维护国家政治安全和社会稳定形势任务 [单项选择]What will the students do in 10 minutes
[A] Ask more questions. [B] Discuss in groups. [C] Give their answers. [D] Do their homework. [单项选择]燃烧带是炉缸煤气的发源地,若燃烧带小则()
A. 中心气流发展 B. 边缘气流发展 C. 中心过吹 D. 以上说法都正确 [单项选择]案例五:
一般资料:求助者,女性,37 岁,会计。
单选:本案例中该求助者的认知曲解属于( )。
A. 主观推论 B. 情绪推理 C. 应该倾向 D. 乱贴标签 [单项选择]最易发生幽门梗阻症状的溃疡是( )。
A. 胃角溃疡 B. 胃窦溃疡 C. 球后溃疡 D. 胃多发性溃疡 E. 幽门管溃疡 [判断题]在自动闭塞的电气化区段上更换钢轨时,应有电务人员在场配合。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题].发电机开机步骤有哪几步骤?( )
A.起动柴油机; B.柴油机起动后进行急速运行,并密切注意机油压力表的读数,如果压力表不指示应立即停机检查 C.若机组低速运行正常,可将转速逐渐增加到中速,进行柴油机预热运转,当出水温度达到55℃,机油温度达到45℃时,将转速增至额定转速。 D. 若机组工作完全正常,合上开关屏的空气开关,然后逐渐增加负荷。 [简答题]用摇表测量绝缘电阻时要注意什么?
A.革命文学思潮 B.战争文学思潮 C.工农兵文学思潮 D.文学大众化思潮 [单选题]按照DL/T448-2016《电能计量装置技术管理规程》规定,0.4kV低供低计用户属于( )电能计量装置。
A. Ⅰ类 B. Ⅱ类 C. Ⅲ类 D. Ⅳ类 我来回答: 提交