Looking back on my childhood, I am convinced that naturalists are born and not made. Although we were all brought up in the same way, my brothers and sisters soon abandoned their pressed flowers and insects. Unlike them, I had no ear for music and languages. I was not an early reader and I could not do mental arithmetic.
Before the World War I we spent our summer holidays in Hungary. I have only the dim memory of the house we lived in, of my room and my toys. Nor do I recall clearly the large family of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who gathered next door. But I do have a crystal-clear memory of the dogs, the farm animals, the local birds and, above all, the insects.
I am a naturalist, not a scientist. I have a strong love of the natural world, and my enthusiasm bas led me into varied investigations. I love discussing my favorite topics and enjoy burning the midnight oil while reading about other people’s observations and discoveries. Then something
A. a scientist as well as a naturalist
B. a naturalist but not a scientist
C. no more than a born naturalist
D. first of all a scientist
{{B}}Balancing College Life and
Academics{{/B}} {{B}} 1. Control Your Schedule; Don’t Let Your Schedule Control You{{/B}} Organization and time management skills are two of the most valuable skills you will ever have. One of the first things you should do at the beginning of each semester is organize the dates of all class tests and project deadlines from each syllabus, and all required meetings and events from each organization. All obligations should then be logged into a centralized schedule you keep at all times, such as a daily planner, desk calendar, or even a PDA (personal digital assistant). For the next 4 months, you now know exactly what you must schedule the rest of your life around. Next, it is highly recommended for you to set a schedule for yourself in writing to include all other items you want to create as a routine. M A. priorities in life B. study at college C. social activities D. stress and weariness [单项选择]()是指无权代理人的代理行为客观上存在使相对人相信其有代理权的情况,且相对人主观上为善意,因而可以向被代理人主张代理的效力。
A. 委托代理 B. 指定代理 C. 无权代理 D. 表见代理 [判断题]有动力附挂机车是根据调度命令附挂于列车回送的有动力机车
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下对消防用防坠落装备产品型号描述错误的是( )
A. FZL-S-Q 9、5表示半径为9、5mm的轻型安全绳 B. FZL-SS-Q表示轻型上升器 C.FZL-X-T 10/12表示适用于10mm至12mm直径安全绳的轻型下降器 D. FZL-B-T 表示通用型便携式固定装置 [简答题]450MHz 无线列调设备车站台故障后的处置办法?
[单选题]强调教育学的心理学和伦理学基础,奠定了科学教育学基础的教育家是( )。
A.康德 B.第斯多惠 C.赫尔巴特 D.福禄倍尔 [单项选择]我国高血压病流行病学的特点,下列哪项正确()
A. 城市发病率高于农村 B. 城市与农村发病率相仿 C. 东部地区高于西部地区,北方高于南方 D. 西部地区高于东部地区,南方高于北方 E. 无明显地域特征 [判断题]若用等高线表示将非常密集或重合为一条线,因此采用陡崖符号来表示。( )
[判断题]班轮承运人负责包括装、卸货物及理舱在内的作业,并负责全部费用。( )
[多选题]除( )外,各种乘车证每张只限填发一个到站。
A.全年定期 B.定期通勤 C.软席、硬席 D.临时定期 [单选题]胰腺癌最常见的辅助诊断和随访项目是
A.血尿淀粉酶 B.糖类抗原19-9 C.血清胆红素 D.氨基转移酶 E.血糖与尿糖值 [多选题]甲、乙结婚多年,因感情不和,双方协议离婚,甲同意家庭的主要财产由乙取得。离婚后不久,乙发现甲曾在婚姻存续期间私自购买了两处房产并登记在自己名下,于是起诉甲,要求再次分割房产并要求甲承担损害赔偿责任。下列说法正确的是()。
A.乙无权要求甲承担损害赔偿责任 B.法院应当将两处房产都判给乙 C.请求分割房产的诉讼时效,为乙发现或者应当发现甲的隐藏财产行为之次日起两年 D.若法院判决乙分得房产,则乙在判决生效之日即取得房屋所有权 [判断题]无缝道岔的辙叉、尖轨及钢轨伤损需要更换时,不能更换为普通辙叉、尖轨及钢轨,采用冻结接头进行临时处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]自动喷水灭火系统是指由()组成。(易)
A.洒水喷头 B.报警阀组 C.水流报警装置 D.以及管道、供水设施 [单选题]1941年,《新华日报》上刊出周恩来的亲笔题词,“千古奇冤,江南一叶,同室操戈,相煎何急?!”此题词是为 而写。
A.博山惨案 B.确山惨案 C.皖南事变。 我来回答: 提交