The government of UK is launching a
program aiming at helping more families balance their work and home lives. The
right to ask employers for flexible working hours was previously limited to
parents of children up to the age of six or disabled children aged up to 18. But
following a recommendation made by an independent review last year, the
government decided to extend the age limit. 4.5 million parents of children aged
16 and under will be able to ask employers for flexible work arrangements in
future. A total of 10 million parents will be entitled to request flexible
working. Harriet Harman, minister for Women and Equality, said mothers often "tear their hair out" while bringing up children and trying to earn a living. A survey of 1 000 parents by the government’s Equalities Office suggested half believed their re A. It will make things worse, especially during recession. B. It will solve the companies’ problems during recession. C. It will make employees more efficient at work. D. It will make everybody feel more comfortable. [多选题]一个人的不同信念之间常常具有内在联系,并形成有机构成的信念体系。对此,下列关于信念层次性的表述中,正确的是( )
A.低层次的信念服从于高层次的信念 B.高层次的信念具有最大的统摄力 C.高层次的信念决定着低层次的信念 D.高层次的信念代表了一个人的基本社会信仰 [多选题]个人汽车贷款信用风险的内容包括( )。
A.借款人的还款能力风险 B.借款人的还款意愿风险 C.借款人的欺诈风险 D.借款人的收入水平波动 E.借款人的工作变化 [单选题]如果硫化氢气体是从上风方向来的,应该往( )方向迅速地撤离出危险区域到安全的地方。
A.上风 B.下风 C.侧风方向 D.顺风方向 [单选题]对检查中发现的问题,应以( )形式一次性告知客户整改。客户整改完成后,应报请供电企业复验。复验合格后方可接电。
A.口头 B.书面 C.电话 D.网站公示 [单选题](2018年)某建筑公司承包一酒店建设项目,在未申报专项方案、未取得混凝土浇筑许可证的情况下,强令工人对酒店游泳场进行浇筑混凝土施工,施工过程中,钢管模板支架发生坍塌,造成3 名工人死亡根据《刑法》及相关司法解释,对该建筑公司的主要责任人视情节应当( )。
A.处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役 B.处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑 C.处五年以上有期徒刑 D.处五年以下有期徒刑或者拘役 [判断题] "判断
题" "电机上标有用于明确识别和分配的拓印号,电机拓印号与内燃机 类似,获得主管部门批准时也需要该拓印号。" A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交