Let’s try to find out why getting fiber
from whole foods is important for a healthy diet. Fiber has never been
{{U}} (67) {{/U}} you’d call a healthy nutrient. Suddenly, it’s a
superstar: Manufacturers are {{U}} (68) {{/U}} it to yogurt, juice,
even {{U}} (69) {{/U}} sweetener. But as with many {{U}} (70) {{/U}}, there’s an unseemly back story: Experts aren’t sure that these fiber-boosted foods are {{U}} (71) {{/U}} trying. Yes, you should eat lots of fiber. There’s no question that a diet {{U}} (72) {{/U}} in high-fiber foods is a powerful lifesaver-it’s known to {{U}} (73) {{/U}} the risk of heart disease and diabetes, and it helps {{U}} (74 A. abundant B. sufficient C. steady D. effective [单选题]火势较大需用水扑救时要用放完锈水的市政水网水,可用雾状水或向火势上方射水,让水从高处洒下灭火,以增加电阻。使用直流水灭火时必须保持()安全距离。
A.两倍 B.三倍 C.四倍 D.五倍 [单选题]( )170.根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》,施工起重机械和整体提升脚手架、模板等自升式架设设施安装完毕后,安装单位应当(),并向施工单位进行安全使用说明,办理验收手续并签字。
A.他检、出具他检合格证明 B.自检、出具检验合格证明 C.自检、出具自检合格证明 D.他检、出具检验合格证明 [简答题]HXD3C型电力机车空气压缩机组设有___启动装置、高压保护装置、低温加热装置。
A.交通空间不能兼有其他功能 B.走道宽度与走道两侧门窗的开启方向无关 C.走道宽度与走道两侧门窗位置有关 D.走道宽度与建筑的耐火等级无关 [多选题]安全生产(HSE)合同应当与工程服务合同( )。
A.同时谈判 B.同时报审 C.同时实施 D.同时签订 [单选题]高压架空输电路线,通常采用( )防雷措施。
A.避雷针 B.避雷器 C.避雷线 D.防雷防电间隙 [单项选择]药品包装和标签上可以不必注明的是()。
A. 通用名称 B. 专利批准文号 C. 生产批准文号 D. 生产批号 E. 有效期 [单选题]多功能消防水枪主要适用于()。
A.建筑火灾 B.交通工具火灾 C.小面积油类火灾以及可燃 D.有毒气体等危险化学品泄漏 [单选题]汽轮机发生水冲击时,导致轴向推力急剧增大的原因是( )。
A.蒸汽中携带的大量水分撞击叶轮 B.蒸汽中携带的大量水分引起动叶的反动度增大 C.蒸汽中携带的大量水分使蒸汽流量增大 D.蒸汽中携带的大量水分形成水塞叶片汽道现象。 [简答题]高低压电机绝缘电阻正常值是多少?
[单选题]300T车载设备(CRH3C)轮径设置范围在( )
A.915-835 B.920- 860 C.920-835 D.860-835 [单项选择]与气机调节有关的是:
A. 心肺关系 B. 肺脾关系 C. 肺肝关系 D. 肺肾关系 E. 心肾关系 [单项选择]近年来,我国文化产业发展很快,文化产品日益多样,文化消费也出现了许多新现象、新情况,一些人将贩卖隐私的花边新闻、热火朝天的口水战当作了自己的精神正餐。这说明()
A. 文化建设要贴近群众 B. 文化消费心理决定文化消费行为 C. 要引导消费者提高文化鉴赏力 D. 政府应提供更多健康的文化产品 [多选题]开展装备训练前,要熟悉训练装备的()。
A.技术性能 B.操作规程 C.操作要求 D.安全注意事项 [多选题](教育)多项选择题教育部发布的《中小学数字校园
建设规范(试行)》中明确数字校园建设应达成哪些目标()。 A.实现校园环境数字化 B.实现信息系统互联互通 C.实现用户信息素养提升 D.实现学习方式和教育教学模式创新 [填空题]
A bank is a business establishment that safeguards people’s
money and uses it to make loans and investments. Banks differ in the services
they provide and in how they are owned.
Commercial banks are the most numerous banks in the United States. They offer a full range of services, including checking and savings accounts, loans, and trust services. They primarily serve the needs of businesses but also offer their services to individuals. A commercial bank is owned by stockholders who buy shares in it. In return for investing in the bank’s stock, the stockholders expect the bank to pay them cash dividends from its profits. Saving and loan associations are the second largest group of deposit institutions in the United States. Savings and loans, as they are often called, were established to help people to purchase homes. Through the years they have been the chief source of home mortgages. Traditionally, they loaned money to business [单项选择]赵先生34岁,钱女士30岁。一天他们碰上了赵先生的三个邻居,钱女士问起了他们的年龄,赵先生说:他们三人的年龄各不相同,三人的年龄之积是2450,三人的年龄之和是我俩年龄之和,而且他们都比我们的同事孙先生年龄小。问三个邻居中年龄最大的是多少岁?
A. 32岁 B. 45岁 C. 49岁 D. 50岁 [多选题]各专业部门、各单位要对照安全红线内容,从“()、()、()”三个方面着手研究建立完善防止触碰安全红线保障机制,增加安全冗余,实施超前防范,并结合安全生产实际对保障机制进行动态完善,防止发生触碰安全红线。
A.人防 B.物防 C.技防 D.防护 我来回答: 提交