The appeal of the world of work is
first its freedom. The child is compelled to go to school: he is (21)
of authority. As he grows up, he sees (22) it is to
be free of school and to be able to choose his job and change it if he doesn’t
like it. The boys and girls, (23) he has long observed,
revisit school utterly changed and apparently mature. Suddenly teachers seem as
out of date (24) his parents and the authority of school a
ridiculous thing. At the moment the adult world may appear (25)
the school world that the desire to enter it cannot be satisfied by
exercises in school books. This may n A. when B. that C. what D. why [单选题]40.治疗阿尔茨海默病的药物不包括
A. 左旋多巴 B. 他克林 C. 尼莫地平 D. 美金刚 E. 多奈哌齐 [单选题]装、拆接地线,应做好记录,()时应交待清楚。
A.巡视 B.交接班 C.许可 D.操作 [单选题]胰岛素最佳注射部位是
A.腹部 B.胳膊 C.大腿内侧 D.屁股 E.小腿 F.腰 [多项选择]关于信息处理,下列说法正确的是( )。
A. 计算机可以直接处理文字、声音和图像 B. 为了便于存储和传输,通常需要对声音和图像数据进行压缩 C. 信息收集应坚持时效性原则 D. 信息处理就是对信息的加工,其环节不包括信息收集和输出 E. 分类、加工和传输都是信息处理所涉及的环节 [填空题]用浇注法进行切削时的冷却,切削液的浇注位置应尽量()切削区。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]空气相对湿度对人体的热平衡和湿热感有重大作用。一般情况下,人们适宜的相对湿度范围是( )。
A.25%~50% B.30%~70% C.35%~75% D.40%~80% [简答题]你对该市政府推行的政策有什么看法?
The appeal of advertising to buying motives can have both negative and positive effects. Consumers may be convinced to buy a product of poor quality or high price because of an advertisement. For example, some advertisers have appealed to people’s desire for better fuel economy for their cars by advertising automotive products that improve gasoline mileage. Some of the products work. Others are worthless and a waste of consumers’ money. [单选题]机车临修登记簿的保存期限为()。
A.永久 B.10年 C.5年 D.3年 [单项选择]
W: Hi, Tom. What are you doing A. the technical problem B. the money problem C. the pollution problem [多选题]配电线路、设备检修,在显示屏上断路器(开关)或隔离开关(刀闸)的操作处应设置( )标记。
A.A.“止步,高压危险!” B.B.“禁止合闸,有人工作!” C.C.“禁止合闸,线路有人工作!” D.D.“禁止分闸!” E.略 F.略 G.略 [单项选择]Which of the following is NOT TRUE
A. None of the extra-solar planets has been seen without telescopes and they are detected directly by the effects of gravity on the motions of their mother star. B. Calculations of the changes in motion of these stars allow astronomers to draw conclusions on the orbit of the planets, their mass and their distance from the central stars, C. Each discovery raises new questions about the formation and behavior of planets among scientists. D. A major problem affecting observation using current telescope technology is that light shining from the stars tends drown all weaker sources of light in the vicinity. [单项选择]在贷款质押担保问题上,银行要重点考虑的是( )。
A. 担保的合法性 B. 担保的充分性 C. 担保人的资格 D. 担保人的意愿 [多选题]埋地管线发生渗漏的判断方法有( )。[1.0]
A.加油机提枪跳变 B.加油机关闭时跳变 C.超声波及测厚仪检测 D.压力试验检测 [单项选择]水处理过程中用格栅装置是用来除去()。
A. 除去那些可能堵塞水泵机组和管道阀门的较粗大的悬浮体 B. 除去可能阻塞排水道或缠绕水泵叶轮的悬浮状纤维类杂物 C. 除去悬浮颗粒达到固液分离 D. 除去除去悬浮油并破坏乳化油 [判断题]当通信电缆和电力电缆需要同时在桥上通过时,应分开两侧布置,使其互不干扰。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]16周岁以上且具有刑事责任能力的自然人是犯罪一般主体( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]常用于皮肤反应试验的实验动物是:()
A. 地鼠 B. 兔 C. 豚鼠 D. 犬 [填空题]试样制备应避开由于()或过热而影响金属的力学性能部分。
[单选题]在 Word 2010 的编辑状态,执行“复制”命令后( )。
A. 被选择的内容将复制到插入点处 B. 被选择的内容将复制到剪贴板 C. 被选择的内容出现在复制内容之后 D. 光标所在的段落内容被复制到 剪贴板 [单选题] 公司系统职业培训应设( )技术专业 课程。
A. 电力 B.安全 C.理论 [多选题]关于自然人之间的借款合同,下列说法中正确的是:( )
A. 自然人之间的借款合同约定支付利息的,借款的利率不得违反国家有关规定 B. 自然人之间的借款合同对利息约定不明确的,视为没有利息 C. 自然人之间的借款合同,自贷款人提供借款时成立 D. 自然人之间的借款合同,自当事人签订书面合同时成立 [判断题]委派机构
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]同杆架设的多层电力线路,应先验高压,后验低压,先验上层,后验下层。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]重量约为标准手动轮椅的2倍,属于下列哪种轮椅
A. 手动轮椅 B. 轻型轮椅 C. 座厕轮椅 D. 运送轮椅 E. 电动轮椅 [判断题]>在带电接触网下,禁止攀登到车顶上或在车顶上进行任何作业 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交