It was not until modern scholarship
uncovered the secret of reading Middle English that we could understand that
Chaucer, far from being a rude versifier, was a perfectly accomplished
technician, and that his verse is rich in music and elegant to the highest
degree. Chaucer’s own urbane personality is a delight to encounter in his books,
He is avowedly a bookworm, yet few poets observe nature with more freshness and
delight. He is a master of genial satire but can sympathize with true piety and
goodness with as much pleasure as he attacks the hypocritical. It is not an uncommon estimate of Chaucer that he must be counted among the few greatest of English poets. In range of interest he is surpassed only by Shakespeare. He was recognized already in the Renaissance, when it came to England, as the Father of English Poetry. He was a man of wide learning and A. Chaucer--Father of Poetry B. Chaucer--Shakespeare’s Peer C. The Crudities of Chaucer’s Poetry D. One of the Great English Poets [单选题]用万用表R×1K档,红笔接触三极管的一个电极,黑笔分别接触另二个电极,所测电阻均为低电阻时,红笔所接为( )。
A.基极 B.集电极 C.发射极 D.接地极 [判断题]室外消火栓应沿着道路布置,宽度超过60m的道路,为避免水带穿越道路影响交通或被车辆轧压,宜将消火栓在道路两侧布置,为方便使用,十字路口应设有消火栓。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]慢性咳嗽、咳痰最常见的原因是
A.慢性支气管炎 B.咳嗽变异型哮喘 C.肺淤血 D.急性咽炎 E.支气管扩张 [单选题]属于孕激素拮抗药的是
A.甲睾酮 B.炔诺酮 C.米非司酮 D.醛甾酮 E.甲羟孕酮 [多选题]《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSSG 510001-2015)12.5.4 为避免防止误登,除了安排每基杆塔都设专人进行监护,还需要采取哪些措施?
A.每基杆塔应标设线路名称及杆号和识别标记(色标、识别标记等) B.工作前应发给工作人员相对应线路的识别标记 C.经核对停电检修线路的识别标记和线路名称、杆号及位置无误验明线路确已停电并装设接地线后方可开始工作 D.登杆塔至横担处时应再次核对识别标记与线路名称及位置确认无误后方可进入检修线路侧横担 [单项选择]清蛋白的生理功能不包括()。
A. 维持和调节胶体渗透压 B. 运输作用 C. 解毒作用 D. 免疫作用 E. 营养供给 [单选题]“三会一课”是指(( ))。
A. 党支部大会、民主生活会、组织生活会和党课 B. 党委会、党员大会、民主生活会和党课 C. 党支部大会、组织生活会、党员大会和党课 D. 党支部大会、支部委员会、党小组会和党课 [判断题]1钢丝绳可以作任意选用,且可超负荷使用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]肾虚腰痛除主穴外,应加取( )
A.膈俞、三阴交、血海 B.太冲、肝俞、肾俞 C.关元、腰阳关、昆仑 D.足三里、脾俞、胃俞 E.肾俞、命门、志室 [多选题]固体绝缘材料一般在电气设备中起隔离、支撑等作用,常用的有( )。
A.塑料类-复合材料 B.天然纤维和纺织品 C.油漆和胶 D.浸渍织物-云母-陶瓷 我来回答: 提交
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