What an elegant party! The Press
Complaints Commission’s glittering bash this week m celebrate its tenth
anniversary was the nearest London gets to high society. In a gathering too
close m imitate for comfort, the PCC succeeded in bringing together Prince
William, the heir to the throne, his father, Prince Charles, the royal mistress.
Camilla Parker-Bowles. as well as pop stars, super-models, cabinet ministers,
senior civil servants and other admirers. The one thing this different group had in common was that most of them had sought the protection of the PCC over the past decade. Their principal tormentors, the editors of the nation’s tabloid newspapers, were there in force to greet their victims, so it was not surprising that a certain tremble swirled around the party. That so many prominent upper circles turned up to devour the A. celebrate its revival from the despair B. protect the high society big shots C. self-regulate and improve standards D. revive the PPC and seek the confidence [多选题] 办案民警询问被侵害人或者其他证人,应当()
A. 了解被询问人的身份 B. 了解被侵害人、其他证人、违法嫌疑人之间的关系 C. 不得泄露案情 D. 不得表示对案件的看法 [单选题]GIS设备,当对核心部件或主体进行解体性检修之后或检验主回路绝缘时进行()试验。
A.A、介质损耗因数 B.B、油中溶解气体组分分析 C.C、局部放电 D.D、主回路交流耐压 [判断题] ( )装配图中,明细表应紧接着标题栏的上方画出,由下向上按顺序填写。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]肾切开取石手术采取的体位是( )。
A.仰卧式 B.半坐卧式 C.侧卧式 D.俯卧式 E.膀胱截石卧式 [单项选择]
导致该患者满月脸、水牛背、四肢瘦小的原因是() A. 糖代谢异常 B. 蛋白质代谢异常 C. 水盐代谢异常 D. 脂肪代谢异常 E. 皮质醇激素分泌减少所致 [单项选择]美国三哩岛核电厂事故是在()年发生的?
A. 1978 B. 1977 C. 1979 [单项选择]党员李某缺乏革命意志,不履行党员义务,不符合党员条件,经党的支部教育仍无转变,应当劝他()。
A. 自我批评 B. 限期整改 C. 退党 D. 自行脱党 [多选题]参与公司系统所承担电气工作的外单位或外来人员工作前,设备运维管理单位应告知()。
A.作业时间 B.现场电气设备接线情况 C.危险点 D.安全注意事项 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]RRU设备的最大拉远距离为()。
A. 30KM B. 40KM C. 50KM D. 60KM 我来回答: 提交