Passage 3 Date: 26 Jan. 1993 From: the Kwangtung provincial bank, H. K. Corporate division-treasury Foreign exchange market: Dollar continued its weakness and dropped almost two pfennigs against mark on Monday dealing. Traders’ sentiment was changing greatly. At the beginning of this year, dollar rallied due to positive sentiment that the economy would recover in the expected fashion and German interest rate would ease soon. However, the hopes were dashed after a series worse-than-expected data were released and reluctance to cut rate by German Bundesbank. It seemed that the present us-German interest rate differential would be unlikely to narrow. On Monday trading, technical factor drove dollar further lower and it was quoted as low as 1.57 marks. Some dealers were quite bearish towards dollar, A. 1.53 marks. B. 1.57 marks. C. 1.55 marks. D. 122.75 yen. [判断题]TB/T 2340-2012标准规定,钢轨探伤横波探头的回波频率为2~2.5MHz。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()应具备顺控操作防误和就地操作防误功能,当遥控、顺控操作因故中止,切换到就地操作防误,顺控操作应具备人工急停功能。
A.智能防误主机 B.就地防误装置 C.微机防误装置 D.监控防误系统 [多选题]与刑事案件有直接的利害关系或者有其他关系可能影响对案件公正审理的,()应当回避。
A. 侦查人员 B. 勘验、检查人员 C. 鉴定人员 D. 翻译人员 [判断题]( )单程票若人为损坏造成无法正常出站,乘客须按所报站点补购付费出站票在本站出站,原单程票回收。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据社会保险法律制度的规定,下列关于失业保险待遇的表述中,正确的是( )。
A.失业人员领取失业保险金期间不享受基本医疗保险待遇 B.失业人员领取失业保险金期间重新就业的,停止领取失业保险金并同时停止享受其他失业保险待遇 C.失业保险金的标准可以低于城市居民最低生活保障标准 D.失业时用人单位和本人已经累计缴纳失业保险费满6个月的,失业人员可以申请领取失业保险金 [简答题]生产中使用辅料的作用?
[填空题](浙江大学2010年试题) The character of European education demands that the student develop【1】and social individuality. The American student is given a choice between relying on himself【2】on others. Scholastically, the fundamental difference is between the European lecture system and the American discussion system. The European system is both the strength and the limit of European education. The strength is the challenge【3】the student to rely on himself; the system imposes a limit because it is【4】and at times even cruelly, qualitative; only a few are able to survive. A second difference is the American campus, a term which has no【5】in Europe. There, the campus is formed【6】by the various classrooms, faculty offices and laboratories. No extracurricular activities are carried on. The students and the professors go to the universities when they have classes and leave as soon as they are【7】. The European universities provide no social life; on the【8】, it creates a social atmosphere. The student【9】never organizes campus activities; everything is left to the【10】of the individual students. In the【11】of these considerations, I think I can answer the challenge of that pretty coed, though my answer is bound to be incomplete. My【12】to the American educational system are two. The first【13】American students. What【14】me most about them is their conformity and their fear of【15】. Perhaps campus life【16】by necessity to conformity. Almost every student belongs to at least two organizations. What is the【17】of this associative mania,【18】not the basic desire to be supported by people who think【19】and sympathize with the same idea Nobody likes being alone, but it seems to me that American students like【20】too much.【9】
A. A.body B.unity C.structure D.union [多选题]附加票包括( )。
A.变径票 B.加快票 C.卧铺票 D.空调票 [多选题]根据《火警和应急救援分级》(GA/T 1340-2016),二级火警主要包括( )。
A.有较少人员伤亡或被困的火警 B.燃烧面积大的普通建筑火警 C.燃烧面积较小的高层建筑、地下建筑、人员密集场所、易燃易爆危险品场所、重要场所、特殊场所火警等 D.到场后现场指挥员认为一级火警到场灭火力量不能控制的火警 我来回答: 提交