Selection to participate in a top
executive-education program is an important rung on the ladder to top corporate
jobs. U. S. corporations (1) billions of dollars in this
form of management development -- and use it to (2) and
train fast-track managers. Yet one (3) of executive
education found that less than 5% of the managers (4) to
these high-profile programs are women -- and minorities are terribly
(5) as well. The numbers are (6) . In regular business (7) usually paid for by the participant, not an employer -- there are plenty of women and minorities. Women, for example, (8) for about 30% of MBA candidates. Yet in the (9) program A. under-represented B. underlined C. underestimated D. undermined [简答题]某BSC局的TCH拥塞率较高,达4%左右。通过A口信令跟踪,发现有很多“无电路可用”的占用失败;通过查看话统,发现发生TCH拥塞率高的小区基本上集中在BM1模块,并且查看TCH占用失败的原因有很多为地面电路不可用。后查明是在BM1模块的A口电路上,有两块FTC的CIC号配置相同,在布网时信道占用冲突,导致该模块的很多小区拥塞率过高。修改数据后,问题解决。请写出TCH拥塞率的公式。
[单选题]在平行投影法中,根据投影线与投影面的角度不同,可分为( ).
A.正等测投影和斜二测投影 B.斜投影和正投影 C.正投影和正等测投影 D.斜投影和斜二测投影 [简答题]将当前工作表的C列删除。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]钢轨探伤仪将抑制扳到"小"时.则动态范围变小。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]大型电机抽转子方法有()
A. 假轴法 B. 滑板法 C. 滑车法 D. 以上三种都不可以 [单选题]圆方过渡管接头展开时,要三等分俯视图的()圆周。
A.1/2 B.1/3 C.1/4 D.1/5 [判断题]运动的物体、危险化学品储罐等属于状态危险源。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]脱盐水硬度控制指标为()
A. 3~5umol/l B. ≤3umol/l C. ≤4umol/l D. ≤5umol/l [判断题]电力通信网管巡视时可以采用系统管理员级别或系统业务配置人员级别的账号登录。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 受限空间氧含量浓度应保持在( )。
A. 19%~23% B. 19%~23.5% C. 19.5%~23% D. 19.5%~23.5% [单项选择]以下哪一项不属于宏观环境的指标:()
A. GDP B. CPI C. 利率、汇率 D. 工资政策 我来回答: 提交