The English author, Richard Savage, was
once living in London in great poverty. In order to earn a little money he had
written the story of his life, but not many copies of the bock had been sold in
the shop, and {{U}}Savage was living from hand to mouth{{/U}}. As a result of his
lack of food he became very ill, but after a time, because of the skill of the
doctor who had looked after him, he got well again. After a week or two the
doctor sent a bill to Savage for his visits, but poor Savage hadn’t any money
and couldn’t pay it. The doctor waited for another month and sent the bill
again. But still no money came. After several weeks he sent it to him again
asking for his money. In the end he came to Savage’s house and asked him for
payment, saying to Savage, "You know you owe your life to me and I expected some
gratitude from yon." A. A Poor English Writer B. A Skilled Doctor C. A Life for a Life D. The Life of Richard Savage [单项选择]3~6个月佝偻病患儿多见的骨骼系统改变是()
A. 方颅 B. 胸廓畸形 C. 下肢畸形 D. 颅骨软化 E. 手镯、脚镯征 [单项选择]下列各项中,不包括在工资总额中的是()。
A. 病假扣款 B. 购物卡 C. 节约奖 D. 补发上年工资 [单选题]生产经营单位应当建立健全生产安全事故隐患排查治理制度,采取技术、管理措施,及时发现并消除事故隐患。事故隐患排查治理情况应当如实记录,并向()通报。
A.工会 B.主要负责人 C.从业人员 D.安全管理人员 [多选题]装配图的特殊表达方法包括(____)。
A.沿结合面剖切或拆卸画法 B.单独画出某个零件的视图 C.假想画法 D.简化画法 [单选题]区域管制服务应当由区域管制单位负责提供。如果没有设立区域管制单位,区域管制服务可以由主要负责提供进近管制服务的单位提供. 在区域管制单位和进近管制单位不能提供区域管制服务时,区域管制服务可以由( )提供。
A. 相邻扇区区域管制单位 B. 相邻扇区进近管制单位 C. 塔台管制单位 D. 空中交通服务报告室 [单项选择]
We have escaped the battle field and now can, with modem guidance system on missies, touch virtually every square yard of the earth’ s surface. It no longer involves only the military profession, but engulfs also entire civilian populations. Nuclear weapons have made major war un thinkable. We are forced, however, to think about the unthinkable because a thermonuclear war could come by accident or miscalculation. We must accept the paradox of maintaining a capacity to fight such a war so that we will never have to do so. [单选题]验电器的试验周期为( )。
A.A.3个月 B.B.6个月 C.C.12个月 D.D.24个月 [判断题]为保证安全,倒闸操作必须由两人进行同一项的操作,即监护操作。不能由一人去完成操作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] Your company has an Active Directory forest. Each branch office has an organizational unit and a child organizational unit named Sales. The Sales organizational unit contains all users and computers of the sales department. You need to install a Microsoft Office 2007 application only on the computers in the Sales organizational unit. You create a GPO named SalesApp GPO. What should you do next()
A. Configure the GPO to assign the application to the computer account. Link the SalesAPP GPO to the domain. B. Configure the GPO to assign the application to the user account. Link the SalesAPP GPO to the Sales organization C. Configure the GPO to publish the application to the user account. Link the SalesAPP GPO to the Sales organization D. Configure the GPO to assign the application to the computer account. Link the SalesAPP GPO to the Sales organiz [判断题]第 618 题, 本小题 1 分
钢材焊接用焊条、焊剂等焊接材料的规格、型号,应符合现行国家标准《钢结构焊接规范》GB?50661的规定 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]督察审计人员通过了解被督察审计单位内部控制体系的设置和运行情况,进行相关分析、测试,对内部控制的健全性、合理性和有效性做出评价,并利用测评结果确定实质性测试的范围、重点和方法,其步骤是(ABCD)
A.对内部控制体系进行调查了解。 B.对内部控制进行初步评价,评估控制风险水平。 C.对内部控制的执行情况进行符合性测试。 D.提出内部控制测评结果,并利用测评结果确定实质性测试的范围、重点和方法 [判断题]开关柜红外测量时记录环境温度、负荷及其近3小时内的变化情况,以便分析参考。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]不能预防直肠阴道瘘发生的临床处置是
A.正确处理异常分娩 B.防止滞产及第二产程延长 C.会阴缝合时缝线尽量穿透直肠黏膜 D.认真进行定期产前检查 E.分娩时注意保护会阴,防止会阴Ⅲ度裂伤发生 [单选题]水域及洪涝灾害中进行救助时,应当选派水性和身体素质好的人员进行施救,从被困人员( )靠近。
A.左侧 B.右侧 C.后侧 D.前侧 [单项选择]120km/h及以下运行区段,锚段长度在800m及以下的承力索接头的数量限界值不得超过()。
A. 2个 B. 3个 C. 4个 D. 5个 [单选题]葡萄胎行清宫术时,下列哪项处理是不正确的
A.一旦确诊后应及时清宫 B.一般采用吸宫术 C.子宫缩小后可慎重刮宫 D. 首先应选择小号吸管渐增至至大号吸管 E.刮出物送组织学检查 [名词解释]政府利益说
[单选题]旅客因误售、误购、误乘或坐过了站需送回时,车站应在车票背面注明( )并加盖站名戳,指定最近列车免费送回。
A.“误售” B.“误购” C.“误乘” D.铁路责任 [判断题]局《服务质量规范》中要求台式暖瓶放于茶桌上, 瓶嘴向后, 把手朝前,标识字样向正前方。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]注记是只用文字补充说明符号不能表示的内容,如建筑物.公路.河流名称,用文字注记,标高.距离等用数字注记。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交