Most plants can make their own food from sunlight, (1) some have discovered that stealing is an easier way to live. Thousands of plant species get by (2) photosynthesizing, and over 400 of these species seem to live by pilfering sugars from an underground (3) of fungi(真菌). But in (4) a handful of these plants has this modus operandi been traced to a relatively obscure fungus. To find out how (5) are (6) , mycologist Martin Bidartondo of the University of California at Berkeley and his team looked in their roots. What they found were (7) of a common type of fungus, so (8) that it is found in nearly 70 percent of all plants. The presence of this common fungus in these plants not only (9) at how they survive, says Bidartondo, but also suggests that many ordinary plants might prosper from a little looting, too.
Plants have (10) relations to get what they need to survive. Normal, (11)
A. for
B. with
C. to
D. without
Life learning(sometimes called un-schooling or
self-directed learning)is one of those concepts that are almost easier to
explain by saying what it isn’t, than what it is. And that’s probably because
our own schooled backgrounds have convinced us that learning happens only in a
dedicated building on certain days, between certain hours, and managed by a
specially trained professional. Within that schooling framework, no matter how hard teachers try and no matter how good their textbooks, many bright students get bored, many slower students struggle and give up or lose their self-respect, and most of them reach the end of the process unprepared to enter into society.They have memorized a certain body of knowledge long enough to rush back the information on tests, but they haven’t really learned much, at least of the official curric A. carry life learning through B. tell the nature of life learning C. learn without going to school D. find a specially trained teacher [单项选择]随着建筑市场的不断规范和建筑质量要求的不断提高,国家、地方出台了许多建筑材料规范标准。国家标准化管理委员会于2012年12月28日公布了《钢筋混凝土用钢第1部分:热轧光圆钢筋》GB1499.1-2008第1号修改单,将标准里有关HPB235的内容删除,且相关内容由HPB300替代。QB-CNCECJ010104-2004中,()代表发布顺序号。
A. QB B. CNCEC C. J010104 D. 2004 [单选题]土体能够通过碾压、夯实和振动等方法调整土粒排列,进而增加密实度的性质称为土的( )。
A. 压缩性 B. 压实性 C. 剪切 D. 密实性 [简答题]某线路平面图,图示比例为1:5000,图上量得AB两点之间水平距离25mm,则AB两点之间实际距离为________________。
[单选题]在管制室之间进行管制移交时,移交单位应当在航空器飞越管制移交点前( )分钟与接收
单位进行管制移交A. 10.0
B. 30.0
C. 15.0
D. 30.0
A.A B.B C.C D.D [单选题]《铁路旅客运输规程》中规定,线路中断,旅客可以要求在()返回发站、中途站退票或按照承运人的安排绕道旅行。
A.中途站等候通车 B.车站等候通车 C.候车室等候通车 D.原地等候通车 [判断题]当手持电动工器具保护线脱落或插头插座裂开时,可暂不修理,继续使用。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]甲被拘传后,如实供述了司法机关还未掌握的本人其他罪行,应以自首论。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]豌豆的高茎(D)对矮茎(d)为显性,现有一批基因型为DD和Dd的种子,自然种植后,所得表现型及比例为高茎∶矮茎=7∶1,假定各种子的繁殖能力相同,则该批种子中基因型为DD与Dd的比例为( )
A.1:1 B.1:2 C.1:3 D.1:4 [单选题]根据《长春农村商业银行业务印章管理办法》规定,停用需上缴的业务印章,域内机构最迟于停用之日起( )日内上缴至运营管理部。
A.5 B.7 C.10 D.15 [单选题]根据《公路法》规定:专用公路规划由专用公路的( )编制,经其上级主管部门审定后,报县级以上人民政府交通主管部门审核。
A.建设单位 B.主管单位 C.经营单位 D.管理单位 [单选题]下列关于变、配电站布置的做法中,不符合要求的是( )
A.某变电站设置在甲类厂房外的非爆炸性气体、粉尘环境的安全区域内 B.供某甲类厂房专用的10kV 的配电站,与该厂房两面贴邻,采用无门、窗、洞口的防火墙分隔 C.乙类厂房的配电站因生产需要,可在防火墙上开甲级防火窗 D.某住宅楼与8kV 的预装式变电站的防火间距为3m [单选题]电气设备的防护等级是指( )。
A.绝缘等级 B.防爆等级 C.外壳防水和防外物的等级 我来回答: 提交