Cosmology is sometimes pooh-poohed as
more philosophy than science. It asks deep questions about nature but provides
unsatisfyingly vague answers. The cosmos may be 12 billion years old, but it
could be as much as 15 billion. The stars began to shine 100 million years after
the Big Bang, or maybe it’s a billion. "Our ideas," acknowledges Max Tegmark of
the University of Pennsylvania, "have been kind of wobbly." But much of the wobble has been fixed, thanks to a satellite known as the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, or WMAP. Since July 2001, WMAP has been orbiting in deep space, more than a million kilometers from Earth, studying the most ancient light in existence. And in a dramatic reminder that important space science is almost always done by machines, not fragile humans, it reported a series of A. WMAP’s findings are quite convincing and he accepted them. B. WMAP will solve all the problems that have puzzled cosmologists. C. WMAP’s findings accord with Einstein’s concept of space-time. D. We may ignore some strange measurements in WMAP’s data. [多选题]火灾现场按其形成后有无变动,可分为( )
A.纵火现场 B.原始现场 C.变动现场 D.爆炸现场 [单选题]民警小汪在休假期间参与朋友聚会,酒过半巡后与邻桌李某产生摩擦,并仗着自己所在的酒桌人多,与李某等人斗殴,造成恶劣影响。民警小汪的行为违反了人民警察职业纪律中的:
A.政治纪律 B.组织纪律 C.内务纪律 D.执法执勤纪律 [单选题] 作业现场的工作人员的( )应合格、齐备。
A. 安全用具 B. 个人工器具 C. 劳动保护用品 D. 个人防护品 [单项选择]债券挂钩类理财产品主要是指在( )和( )上进行交换和交易,并由银行发行的理财产品。
A. 货币市场,债券市场 B. 期货市场,债券市场 C. 基金市场,债券市场 D. 金融衍生品市场,资本市场 [名词解释]桩的横向承载力
这段话直接支持了这样一种观点,即( )。 A. 吃苦能造就强人,能吃苦是强者的一种特征 B. 苦中凝聚着人类顽强的生存能力 C. 不要把吃苦当作低能者的无奈生活 D. 培养孩子和年轻一代人的吃苦精神,实在是关系国家发展与竞争的大计 [判断题]RS-232C的电平与TTL电平相同。
A. 水封瓶引流 B. 彻底清洗伤口 C. 缝合伤口 D. 用厚棉垫覆盖伤口 E. 呼吸机维持呼吸 [单选题]往复式压缩机滤芯堵塞会引起( )。
A.流量增大 B.油压升高 C.油压降低 D.油压不变 我来回答: 提交