该例最可能的诊断是().{{I}}Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following
passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the
questions. Now listen to the passage.{{/I}} |
If you live or plan to travel where
Lyme disease is a problem, there are important facts you should know. For
example, you can get bitten by the tick ( 扁虱) that carries the disease while out
gardening, walking, even playing with your dog. And, if you don’t have any early
symptoms, you might not know you have Lyme disease. You could be one of the few
people who develop serious health problems. Left untreated, Lyme disease can
lead to potentially serious joint and neurological (神经病的) conditions. Why put
yourself or your family at risk Now, there’s a vaccine (疫苗) that has been shown to be safe and effective in preventing Lyme disease. It’s called LYMErix. New LYMErix for people 15 to 70. As w A. if you live wherever there is Lyme disease B. when you go out gardening or walking C. if you are playing with your dog D. when you are travelling around [单选题]党的十九大报告强调,必须始终把()摆在至高无上的地位,让改革发展成果更多更公平惠及全体人民。( )
A.祖国利益 B.民族利益 C.人民利益 D.共同利益 [单选题] "导致急性肺水肿的直接原因是( )
A.肺动脉压力升高 B.左心房压力高 C.肺静脉压力升高 D.左室舒张末压升高 E.以上都不是 [单项选择]以下哪一项不属于传播媒介的构成要素?()
A. 物体 B. 符号 C. 语言 D. 信息 [判断题]从业人员应当接受安全生产教育和培训,掌握本职工作所需的安全生产知识,提高安全生产技能,增强事故预防和应急处理能力。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]测定污水含铁时,首先在25mL的比色管中取污水样5mL。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 急性出血坏死型胰腺炎的并发症不包括
A.蜂窝织炎 B.脓肿 C.假性囊肿 D.胰周渗液 E.门静脉系统血管闭塞和血栓形成 [判断题]轨道电路调谐区标志Ⅲ型用于反方向运行合并轨道区段之间的调谐区或因轨道电路超过允许长度而设立分隔点调谐区,为涂有蓝底色、白“停”字、斜红道,标明调谐区长度的反光菱形板标志。(技规)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者女,28岁。妊娠20周后被诊断为缺铁性贫血,现需口服硫酸亚铁,补充铁剂,正确的服药时间是()
A. 餐前 B. 餐后 C. 晨起 D. 睡前 E. 空腹时 [单选题](类别:号段管理难度:中等)table标签下面会不包含哪个标签元素()()
A.th B.label C.td D.tbody [多项选择]排污泵启动前手盘靠背轮,应当()
A. 轻松 B. 紧固 C. 灵活 D. 无要求 [判断题]当JT-C机车信号接收到1700-1和25.7HZ的信息时,机车信号只接收载频为1700HZ的低频信息。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交