对于该型颈椎病治疗原则正确的是() The most exciting kind of education is
also the most. Nothing can (61) the joy of discovering
for yourself something that is important to you. It may be an idea or a
bit of information you (62) across accidentally--or a sudden
(63) , fitting together pieces of information or working
through a problem. Such personal (64) are the "pay
off’" in education. A. teacher may (65) you to
learning and even encourage you in it--but no teacher can make the excitement or
the joy happen. That’s (66) to you. A research paper, (67) in a course and perhaps checked at various stages by an instructor, (68) you beyond classrooms, beyond the texts for classes and into a (69) where the joy of discover and learning can come to you many times. (70) the research paper is an active and indi A. litters B. intervenes C. jots D. leads [判断题]《安全生产法》规定从业人员发现事故隐患时,应立即向现场安全管理人员或本单位负责人报告。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]“语不惊人死不休”是唐代著名诗人杜甫的诗句,杜甫被后世称为“【 】”。
A.诗仙 B.诗圣 C.诗佛 D.诗鬼 [单项选择]患者,男,44岁。急性发病,发病半日,尿道窘迫疼痛,少腹拘急,腰部绞痛,大便秘,曾发作1次排尿突然中断,舌质红,苔黄腻,脉弦紧数。应诊为
A. 腰痛 B. 石淋 C. 腹痛 D. 气淋 E. 热淋 [填空题] 公司商业秘密的保密期限,不可以预见时限的应当定为( )或者公布前。
[判断题]东风 8B 型机车的控制用风系统用来供给电气系统中的磁场削弱.制动接触器.电空阀及转换开关电空阀等电器的动力风缸用风。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在规定有过渡高度和过渡高度层的民用机场,航空器在过渡高度以下飞行使用()。
A.QNH B.QFE C.真实高度 D.标准大气压 [单选题]( )是引领发展的第一动力,是建设现代化经济体系的战略支撑。
A.开放 B.创新 C.科技 D.改革 我来回答: 提交